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Using cooperative learning to master the skill of multiplication problem solving with third grade students

Posted on:2011-09-22Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Caldwell CollegeCandidate:Bowe, Sean PFull Text:PDF
Problem solving provides students an opportunity to use mathematical concepts and apply them to real-world situations (National Council Teacher of Math [NCTM], 2000). Cooperative learning is an instructional strategy in which students in small groups work cooperatively to achieve a shared academic goal (Johnson & Johnson, 1999). This study attempted to evaluate the effect cooperative learning may have on mastering multiplication problem solving among third grade students. In order to evaluate the effects of cooperative learning on multiplication problem solving ability, various methodologies were used to triangulate data during this study. The methods utilized were a Likert survey, an open-ended questionnaire, and a post-test. The results of this data indicated that cooperative learning may have been one factor contributing to increased multiplication problem solving ability. Data also suggested that students liked working cooperatively, exposed students to other problem solving strategies, and helped them understand multiplication word problems better.
Keywords/Search Tags:Problem solving, Students, Cooperative learning, Education
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