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Participation in PEAC vs. intramural sport on exercise self-efficacy, attitude toward exercise, and physical fitness

Posted on:2011-05-18Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Matthews, Charles AndrewFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of participation in PEAC courses at the University of Arkansas vs. participation in intramural sports on fitness measures, attitudes toward exercise, and exercise self-efficacy. Sixty students (26 females, 34 males) participated in this study. Students were in either one of three groups PEAC, intramural, or control. Baseline measures were taken for all three groups, and the PEAC and intramural groups participated in repeat testing at the end of either the PEAC course or the intramural season. ANOVA repeated measure tests were used to compare across groups for differences in baseline measures. Significance was set at the p < .05 level. Intramural students were found to have significantly lower body fat compared to the control group (p = .025). Intramural students were also found to have significantly greater estimated aerobic capacity compared to the control group (p = .025). Paired t-tests were used to assess changes due to participation in either a PEAC course or intramural sport. No significant improvements were found.
Keywords/Search Tags:PEAC, Intramural, Participation, Exercise
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