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Perceptions and use of a formative assessment system

Posted on:2009-10-11Degree:M.S.EdType:Thesis
University:University of KansasCandidate:Nash, BrookeFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to explore how one state's formative assessment testing system was utilized in classrooms throughout the 2006-2007 academic year, the perceptions teachers hold about this system, as well as the relationship between these uses and perceptions. Survey responses from 730 teachers in the state of Kansas were analyzed. Teachers taught various grade levels between 3rd and 8th grades as well as high school and taught math, reading, or a combination of both content areas. Results indicated that based on the stated purpose of the formative assessments, which is to guide instructional practices as needed in order to improve student learning as well as performance on the summative state assessment, teachers reported using this system as it was intended at least some of the time. The majority of teachers also thought that there were valuable benefits to using this formative assessment system. Finally, teachers' use of the formative assessment system investigated in this study was significantly related to how they perceived its efficacy and value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Formative assessment, System, Perceptions
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