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Internet marketing techniques targeting children on food and beverage brand web sites: A content analysis and nutritional comparison

Posted on:2011-05-24Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:D'Youville CollegeCandidate:Pacella, Danielle NFull Text:PDF
GTID:2449390002969698Subject:Business Administration
This study examined the type of child-focused marketing techniques used on brand web sites and the nutrient content of brands' products. A content analysis examined 12 brands' web sites and nutrient content was analyzed using Nutrition Facts labels and healthy food criteria, adapted from the Food Standards Agency's Nutrient Profiling model. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the frequency of brands using each marketing technique and the frequency of products that met the healthy food criteria. Results showed brands used an average of 7 of the 14 marketing techniques. A total of 364 advergames were identified, ranging from 8 to 88 per brand. Of the products reviewed, 39 out of 59 foods did not meet the healthy food criteria.
Keywords/Search Tags:Web sites, Marketing techniques, Brand, Food, Content
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