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What right did Russia have? Russian intervention in Georgia and Moldova in the early 1990s

Posted on:2007-07-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Muller, Virginia PaigeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2456390005488630Subject:International Law
In the early 1990s conflict broke out in several former Soviet republics as different regions vied for independence. Abkhazia in Georgia and Transdniestria in Moldova were two such regions. The Russian government initially declared neutrality in both cases but soon changed course, instead supporting Abkhaz and Transdniestrian separatists. Several months later, the Russian government changed course and announced the installment of Russian peacekeeping troops in Georgia and Moldova. The intent of these peacekeeping missions was ostensibly to support the cessation of armed fighting and promote resolution of the disputes, but Russia's involvement in both cases was never as neutral or conflict-resolution based as peacekeeping missions should be. This thesis will look at Russia's rationale for intervening in the Abkhaz/Georgia and Transdniestrian/Moldovan conflicts in order to better understand Russia's justification for getting involved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Georgia, Moldova, Russian
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