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Keeping up with the times? Electronic commerce consumer protection in Canada, the European Union and Germany

Posted on:2006-08-18Degree:LL.MType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Neumueller, CarinaFull Text:PDF
The global nature of the Internet and the growth of electronic commerce (e-commerce) raise a plethora of legal issues. While, on the one hand, both consumers and businesses can benefit from the novel opportunities of the electronic marketplace, on the other, they are also faced with the unique impediments the Internet presents. The change of the face of the marketplace through the advent and rise of electronic commerce, therefore, raises the question whether existing legislation is adequate to meet the basic needs of today's online consumers without preventing particularly small and mid-sized businesses from exploring new business prospects.; This thesis analyzes how two of the world's leading economies, Canada and Germany, have dealt with the most common consumer concerns in their shared goal of strengthening consumer confidence in online transactions and, thereby, boosting electronic commerce.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic commerce, Consumer
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