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Jean-Jacques Rousseau's political philosophy and the French Revolution

Posted on:2012-09-17Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of South CarolinaCandidate:Grynberg-Bekier, Elena AFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents an expository review of the main concepts of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.s political philosophy: “general will”, “sovereignty of the people”, “virtue”, “patriotism”, “democracy” and “republicanism”.;Pertinent here is a brief review of Rousseau.s early readings of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, Thomas Hobbes, and Baruch Spinoza, how they stimulated his imagination and intellect, and their specific contributions to his political theory.;Finally, I examine how the political leaders of the French Revolution (Marat, Danton and Robespierre) interpreted and applied Rousseau.s political philosophy, and the tragic outcome, the Reign of Terror.
Keywords/Search Tags:Political philosophy, Rousseau
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