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Mechanized warfare vs. computerized warfare: The old vs. the new

Posted on:2017-07-05Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Utica CollegeCandidate:Myers, Keith PFull Text:PDF
GTID:2466390014971912Subject:Military history
Cybersecurity plays a vital role within various organizations throughout the world. In the military, the common operating picture is a display of the battlefield on a computer system. This enables the same viewing perspective for all commanders to look at. Combatant Commanders are four star General's in charge of forces in geographical locations and they are equivalent to a CEO. Providing an up-to-date common operating picture to the Combatant Commanders and senior executives is important in operations. Millions of people in the world have a smartphone, on social media, or always connected to the internet. Technology is involved in our everyday lives more than 20, even 10 years ago. This has transitioned into the Department of Defense (DoD) and its branches. Years ago the battlefield was fought with military paper maps with transparent overlays, colored markers and pencils. With the evolution of computers and collaborating environments, the military has moved away from producing this legacy way of doing things and implemented them on the computer screen. Computerization on the battlefield provides real time data and information to the staff and the Commanders. The tactical network architecture now is line of sight and beyond line of sight communications. A unit can be in two different locations and still be able to communicate with each other. With advantages comes disadvantages, especially with the adding of more computerization. From an IT point of view, cyber-attacks are now presented and cybercriminals will try to infiltrate the tactical networks. Utilizing protocols such as Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnels, Dynamics Multipoint Virtual Private Network (DMVPN) and using devices such as firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS's) and TACLANE's are key to safeguarding the information that is shared on the battlefield. Keywords: Cybersecurity, Professor Riddell, Modernized Warfare, Computerization, Battlefield, GPS, Global Positioning System.
Keywords/Search Tags:Warfare, Battlefield
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