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Defence conversion: A comparison of the innovation processes of defence and non-defence products in the electronic sector of the Canadian defence industry

Posted on:1997-05-08Degree:M.M.SType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Silber, StephaneFull Text:PDF
GTID:2466390014982851Subject:Business Administration
Converting Canada's defence industry through new product development, based on a conscious effort to transform military technology for civil use, has been largely neglected in the literature. In an attempt to shed some light on defence conversion, this study investigates differences between activities in the innovation process of non-defence and defence products and provides explanations for these differences. The study reports on the findings of personal interviews and questionnaire surveys consisting of twenty-seven senior managers from seven high technology firms in the electronic sector of the Canadian defence industry. Results revealed that managers depend on formal development processes put in place for defence products and are expected to adapt these processes to non-defence product development requirements based largely on trial-and-error procedures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Defence, Product development, Processes, Electronic sector
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