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Local public goods: Ownership and spatial valuation

Posted on:2012-03-26Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Colorado at BoulderCandidate:Metz, Neil EricFull Text:PDF
In my dissertation I examine the value of publicly provided goods in a spatial setting, and investigate the scope of government in providing an excludable public good. The thesis uses GIS software to create original data sets to study urban spatial issues. The main goal of the thesis is to value public goods in a spatial context as it is important to policy makers concerned with development of urban areas. Protected open space is found to be valuable to home owners, and distance to open space is important to the magnitude of the value. Homeowners have a weak valuation for being close to public schooling, and distance has a small impact on the magnitude of the value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public, Spatial, Goods, Value
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