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The Contribution of Non-Governmental Organizations to an Emerging Global South Regimen in International Criminal Justice: The Cases of International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC

Posted on:2019-10-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Webster UniversityCandidate:Abbey, Wendy NYFull Text:PDF
GTID:2476390017486537Subject:International relations
In the face of growing criticisms on the attainment of equivalence in discourse and practices in international criminal justice, Global South narratives are theorizing a reconstruction or democratization of international criminal/law. The Third World Approaches to International Criminal/Law (TWAIL) assume that liberalizing international norms of justice and human rights will effect an emancipatory value in international criminal law and truly make it universal. Nonetheless, how NGOs' agency in global governance and justice can be beneficial to a process of reconstruction of international criminal/law is less prominent in Global South (Third World) narratives.;In view of what seems like a silent subject in these narratives, this thesis examines the extent to which NGOs' contributions in international criminal justice are beneficial to a Global South regimen on international criminal justice. By examining NGOs' involvement in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC), this thesis posits two major assumptions in contribution to enriching current discourse in international criminal justice. The first assumption advances that NGOs' production of evidence capital is their primary currency of traction and relevance in international justice. Second, that Global South narratives' introspection of this primary agency and other known NGO efficiencies, is a vital function of scholarship aimed at achieving equivalence in international criminal/law discourse and practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:International criminal, Global south, Extraordinary chambers, Discourse
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