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The Relationship Between Achievement Goal Orientation And Academic Procrastination Among Junior High School Students:A Moderated Mediation Model

Posted on:2022-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L OuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306491968449Subject:Mental health education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Procrastination is often discussed as a hot topic on the Internet.Most students have academic procrastination.Junior high school students are in a critical period of physical and mental development,this stage focuses on the formation of good learning habits,long-term procrastination will cause students’ psychological and behavioral problems,such as reducing students’ self-esteem,happiness and learning efficiency,resulting in regret,anxiety and depression,which will affect students’ academic performance,and even make some students drop out of school.Therefore,it is of great significance to explore the influencing factors and internal mechanism of Academic Procrastination of junior high school students,which is conducive to their physical and mental health.In this study,1135 junior high school students were investigated with the parental involvement scale,self-regulated learning questionnaire,academic procrastination questionnaire and achievement goal orientation scale to study the relationship and influence mechanism between achievement goal orientation and academic procrastination,and put forward relevant suggestions according to the research results.The results show that:(1)mastery approach goal is negatively correlated with academic procrastination,mastery avoidance goal is negatively correlated with academic procrastination,achievement approach goal is negatively correlated with academic procrastination,and achievement avoidance goal significantly positively predicts academic procrastination.(2)Junior high school students’ mastery approach goal is positively correlated with selfregulated learning,mastery avoidance goal is positively correlated with self-regulated learning,achievement approach goal is positively correlated with self-regulated learning,achievement avoidance goal is not correlated with self-regulated learning.(3)Self regulated learning plays a complete mediating role in the relationship between mastery avoidance goal and academic procrastination.Self regulated learning also plays a complete mediating role in the relationship between achievement approach goal and academic procrastination.Self regulated learning plays a partial mediating role in the relationship between mastery approach and academic procrastination.(4)Parental involvement in education plays a moderating role in the first half of the mediating path of "Mastery avoidance goal → self-regulated learning → academic procrastination" and "achievement approaching goal → self-regulated learning → academic procrastination".According to the results of the study,the relevant education suggestions are put forward as follows:(1)Help students to set up the mastery goal first;(2)Improve students’ self-regulated learning level through multiple channels;(3)Carry out targeted education according to students’ personal characteristics;(4)Parents should rationally participate in the process of children’s education.
Keywords/Search Tags:achievement goal orientation, academic procrastination, self regulated learning, parental involvement in education
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