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Research And Analysis On The Correlation Between The Body Shape Characteristics And Balance Ability Of Trampoline Athletes

Posted on:2022-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z B RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306542982919Subject:Physical Education Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Balance ability is one of the most basic physical qualities of human body,which is essential in daily life.For athletes,it is one of the factors that determine the performance of sports,especially trampoline,diving,gymnastics and other difficult and beautiful events.Trampoline athletes need to make a set of highly difficult movements in the air,which not only requires the athletes to have superb technical skills,but also requires the athletes to have considerable body control ability,so as to ensure the normal play of technical movements.At the same time,the strong balance ability can also avoid the injury caused by inaccurate take-off or net.Therefore,this paper studies the balance of trampoline athletes Ability is crucial.Based on the research and analysis of the static balance ability of Shanxi excellent male trampoline athletes,combined with the athletes’ body shape index,this paper discusses the correlation between the two,provides theoretical basis and suggestions for the trampoline related research and training direction,and also provides new ideas for physical education teaching.Research methods: through the measurement and comparison of the body shape indexes of national elite male trampoline athletes and national first-class male trampoline athletes,the Tetrax balance instrument produced by Israel was used to test the male Trampoline Athletes of different sports grades,and the relationship between the body shape characteristics and balance ability of male Trampoline Athletes of different grades was understood by sorting out and analyzing the data The differences between the two and the relationship between them can provide reference for athletes’ physical function and training evaluation.The results are as follows:(1)In addition to the upper limb length,the other indexes of the master group are higher than those of the ordinary group,especially in the Achilles tendon length and pelvic width.(2)In the balance ability index,the right heel pressure proportion C% of the two groups of athletes showed significant difference in HF state(eyes closed,head down),and extremely significant difference in Po state(eyes open,foot pad),the master group was higher than the ordinary group;the right toe pressure proportion D% of the two groups of athletes showed significant difference in PC state(eyes closed,foot pad)and Hb state(eyes closed,head up)There was significant difference between the two groups when heel was in NC State(eyes closed,flat),and the average group was higher than the average group.(3)The results of two foot synchronization test showed that the ad index(left heel and right toe)of the master group was significantly lower than that of the normal group in PC state(eyes closed,foot pad)and Hb state(eyes closed,head up).In Hb state(eyes closed,head up),the BC index(left toe and right heel)of the master group was significantly lower than that of the ordinary group.(4)In PC state(eyes closed,foot pad),St index(general stability)of master group was significantly lower than that of ordinary group.(5)The body shape indexes that affect the balance ability of first-class athletes mainly include pelvic width and thigh circumference.The weight,Achilles tendon length and Quetelet index of master level athletes have significant relationship with the weight distribution of athletes.The results are as follows:(1)Besides the length of upper limbs,the body shape indexes of Trampoline Athletes in the master group are higher than those in the ordinary group,and there are significant differences in pelvic width and Achilles tendon length indexes,and the body fullness is better.(2)The weight distribution of Trampoline Athletes in the master group is more balanced,and the center of gravity of Trampoline Athletes in the ordinary group tends to tilt forward when it interferes with proprioception and vision.(3)The left and right feet of Trampoline Athletes in master group have better synchronization and more coordinated posture.(4)The vestibular function of Trampoline Athletes in the master group is better than that of Trampoline Athletes in the ordinary group.(5)Pelvic width and thigh circumference are the main body shape indexes that affect the balance ability of Trampoline Athletes in the ordinary group.The weight and Achilles tendon length of Trampoline Athletes in the master group are significantly related to the Quetelet index and the weight distribution of trampoline athletes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trampoline athletes, body shape characteristics, static balance ability, vision, proprioception
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