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Research On The Application Of "Autumn Garden" In Creation

Posted on:2021-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y HaoFull Text:PDF
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In Chinese painting circle of the 20th century,Huang Qiuyuan strikes it by a pivotal position.From a folk painter to a giant in the painting world,his growing experience features a very inspiring academic focus.In the 1980 s,when traditional Chinese painting entered a period of historical confusion,Huang Qiuyuan commanded the respect from the world with the attitude of clinging to the traditional classics,and became famous for its reputation.The thesis takes "Qiuyuan Cun" as the starting point,and systematically analyzes the traditional factors and the characteristics of the times in Huang Qiuyuan’s painting techniques.The full text is elaborated respectively at two levels: first,the evolution of "Qiuyuan Cun" is expounded,revealing its innovative consciousness of returning to its origin and innovating;Secondly,starting with graduation creation,it analyzes the value of "Autumn Garden" in the current study of Chinese painting,especially around the creation process of a series of works of "Summer Tour of the Summer",and explains referential significance of the "Autumn Garden" in practical reference.Huang Qiuyuan had been obscure during his lifetime,and after his death,he became famous at home.His painting career itself is a research proposition that is worth expecting.I hope this article can advance the basic research of Huang Qiuyuan’s paintings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Huang Qiuyuan, "Qiu Yuan Cun", landscape painting, artistic thought, creation
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