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On The Effective Participation Of Duty Lawyers In The Leniency System For Admitting Guilt And Accepting Punishment

Posted on:2022-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S CuiFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of economy,Number of criminal cases in China and confused growth trend for a long time,And under the background of criminal defense for the whole judicial system reform in the load of judicial organs,The criminal litigation pressure also will increase,enhance the efficiency of lawsuit and become the new pursuit of criminal litigation.Implement effective of greater pleaded guilty to forfeit their system conform to the new situation of criminal lawsuit,Path to become the criminal judicial reform, a bid to litigation efficiency as value orientation of the new system,fair value as a basic method of the same can not be ignored,The improvement of litigation efficiency should take fairness and justice as the premise,Based on the system of dual value pursuit of efficiency and fairness,The duty lawyer system arises at the historic moment.The establishment of the duty lawyer system bring accused person double guarantee of entity and procedure.However,the duty lawyer as a new product in our country,Combined with the continuous development of society makes the duty lawyer involved in greater confessed forfeit their program is also facing many new test:on duty role is unclear,the duty lawyer limited rights,lack of effective accessory rights safeguard measures to causes such as its participation in formal features and functions obviously hard to reflect,and many other problems.Therefore,how to promote greater duty lawyer pleaded guilty to the participation of more effective forfeit their program,Play for the accused person and other legitimate rights and interests to maximize the protection of human rights,is a problem we need to explore.
Keywords/Search Tags:The lenient system of guilty plea and punishment, Duty lawyer, Procedural protection
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