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Research On The Teaching Strategies Of High School Mathematics Classroom Permeating The Basic Ideas Of Mathematics

Posted on:2021-06-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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In the context of high school curriculum reform,"General High School Mathematics Curriculum Standards(2017 Edition)" for the first time put forward the requirements of training students "four bases." Although the previous high school curriculum standards proposed methods for cultivating students 'mathematics thoughts,this time clearly proposed the cultivation of students' basic ideas in mathematics.Many scholars have conducted a survey on the status quo of cultivating students' mathematical thinking methods,and the results of classroom teaching of mathematical thinking methods are not satisfactory.Although most of the teaching attaches more importance to mathematical ideas,it is not easy to implement in actual teaching.In this study,through theoretical analysis of the basic ideas of mathematics,starting from the core of the basic ideas of mathematics,this paper discusses the strategies of high school mathematics classroom teaching that infiltrate the basic ideas of mathematics.This research mainly uses literature research method,theoretical research method,case analysis method and other research methods.First of all,through the research on the relevant literature of mathematics thinking methods,mathematics thoughts,and basic ideas of mathematics,taking the actual status of mathematical thinking methods or mathematics thoughts in the literature as the basis for reference.Combining the mathematics curriculum standards of compulsory education and its interpretation,the requirements and opinions of the mathematics in the compulsory stage are studied.Through the elaboration of the mathematics curriculum standards and interpretations in the high school mathematics curriculum and the experts 'teaching of the mathematics in the compulsory stage The study condenses the characteristics of the basic ideas of high school mathematics.According to its characteristics,mathematics classroom teaching strategies for cultivating students' basic ideas of mathematics are proposed.And according to the proposed strategy,case design and analysis.Through research,it is found that the basic ideas of mathematics and the mathematical methods are both different and related.Although the basic ideas ofmathematics are more general concepts than the mathematical methods,they are relatively macroscopic,but in mathematical activities,the mathematical ideas act on the mathematical methods and specific mathematical content..Through analysis,the basic ideas of high school mathematics have four characteristics: experience,diversity,continuity,and hierarchy.Based on these four characteristics,a high school mathematics classroom teaching strategy that permeates the basic ideas of mathematics is proposed: first,design appropriate mathematics activities and strengthen the experience of the basic ideas;second,excavate the mathematical ideas in the teaching content and show the diversity of basic ideas Third,focus on the students' existing foundation and the continuity of basic ideas;Fourth,focus on the "three cores" and the level of basic ideas.Based on the above strategies,try to design cases for "1.2.1Function Concept" and "3.2.1 Classical Probability Model".
Keywords/Search Tags:Mathematics basic ideas, high school mathematics, classroom teaching, teaching strategies
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