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Group Work To Improve The Social Adaptation Of Left-behind Children In Ex Situ Poverty Alleviation And Resettlement Sites

Posted on:2022-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306548956529Subject:Social work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Left-behind children are a special group that emerged during the social transformation of our country and have received extensive attention from all walks of life and the government.The left-behind children under the background of the relocation policy for poverty alleviation and relocation are more specific.They first move to a new environment with their parents,and then lack the emotional support of their parents in the new environment,showing the characteristics of "mobility + stay-behind".Studying the social adaptation of this group is of great significance for promoting the integration of left-behind children into the relocation environment.This research uses the energy augmentation theory as the analytical framework,and on the basis of combing the relevant domestic and foreign literature research,selects the left-behind children in X placement as the survey samples and interview objects.A combination of quantitative and qualitative research is adopted,with questionnaire surveys and semi-structured interviews as the mainstay,supplemented by participatory observations,to obtain quantitative and qualitative data on left-behind children in X placement.Through analysis,it is concluded that at the individual level,the left-behind children at the X placement site have insufficient learning cognition and poor academic performance;at the interpersonal level,there are limited friends and friends,lack of communication skills and peer support;at the community level,there is an identity dilemma,Participation in community activities is not high.Use group work methods to increase the individual level to enhance learning adaptability;to increase interpersonal level to expand interpersonal communication;to increase community level to enhance the sense of belonging in the community;to enhance the social adaptation of left-behind children in resettlement sites through three levels of empowerment.Through the evaluation of group effectiveness,it is found that the effect of group work in enhancing the social adaptation of left-behind children in relocation sites for poverty alleviation and relocation from the perspective of empowerment is obvious.At the individual level,the learning adaptation of left-behind children has generally been improved so that they can better integrate into the learning environment;At the interpersonal level,the interpersonal communication of left-behind children has been greatly improved,the scope of making friends has been expanded,and they have gradually adapted to the new interpersonal relationship;at the community level,the participation awareness of left-behind children has been improved,and they have gradually adapted to the current community living environment.However,it is worth noting that the social adaptation of left-behind children in relocation sites for poverty alleviation and relocation is a complex issue.The effect of a single group work method is limited.It is necessary to integrate case work and professional methods of community work to jointly promote the social adaptation of left-behind children.At the same time,it is also necessary to pay attention to the external environment of left-behind children’s families,schools and communities,and promote the participation of multiple subjects.
Keywords/Search Tags:relocation for poverty alleviation and relocation, energy enhancement theory, left-behind children, social adaptation, group work
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