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Research On High School Mathematics Teaching Design Under TPACK Model

Posted on:2022-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y NingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306722473124Subject:Master of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the context of education informatization 2.0,based on the practice and reflection in actual teaching,the author explores how to apply the TPACK model to the teaching design of high school mathematics.Based on the previous work,the author divides the contextual factors into four dimensions: psychological factors,vocational training,school factors,and policy factors,and uses questionnaire survey method to study the influence of contextual factors on the application of TPACK in instructional design in this paper.At the same time,combining the study of the influence of contextual factors and the case study,the author discusses the development strategies of high school mathematics instructional design under the TPACK model and proposes strategies from teachers’ side,schools’ side,and policies’ side respectively.Finally,the author combines the framework of high school mathematics unit instructional design under the TPACK model,takes Logarithmic Functions as an example,designs a unit instructional design,and teaches implementation and collects students’ feedback.Whether from knowledge acquisition and ability improvement,or from the learning attitude,learning methods and thinking development all reflect the effect of classroom teaching.Through the teaching of high school mathematics units under the TPACK model,students’ basic knowledge learning was generally enhanced,their thinking methods of learning were greatly improved,and their interest in mathematics learning was gradually strengthened.
Keywords/Search Tags:TPACK model, high school mathematics, instructional design
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