In the process of promoting socialist economic construction,although our country has made historic achievements that attract worldwide attention,but also appeared at the same time the gap between the rich and the poor and unfair income distribution of social problems.At the same time,there are some problems in the society,such as the excessive praise of non-labor income distribution,the wrong understanding of the factors affecting income difference,and the wrong idea of distribution which exaggerates the effect of distribution.Both of these problems require us theoretical workers to return to the text,on the basis of a deep understanding of Marx’s thought of equitable distribution,use Marx’s thought of distribution to guide us to solve the problem of social equity.Marx’s thinking of fair distribution in the 1848 revolution in Europe,when Germany’s main existence Prussian feudalism nobility,new bourgeoisie and proletariat political forces,la salle sent to sell working-class fabricated a set of political theory,Marx to defend its scientific position,dismissed the opportunistic nature,to resolutely fight.The main source of Marx’s thought of equitable distribution is the British classical political economy and the Anglo-French Utopian socialist thought of distribution.His thought has undergone a process of germination,scientific transformation and mature display,which can be reflected in the texts of Economic Manuscript(1857-1858),Das Kapital and Critique of the Gotha Programme.The basic content of Marx’s fair distribution including its core idea and the realization of fair distribution in two parts: core ideas: first,the real human liberation is Marx’s fair distribution of the logic starting point of thought.Secondly,the distribution according to work view of Marx’s thought of fair distribution is beyond the capitalist distribution according to capital,and protects the rights and interests of laborers.Thirdly,the viewpoint of distributive according to needs is the final destination of realizing distributive justice in Marx’s thought of equitable distribution.Fourth,historical materialism is the philosophical foundation of Marx’s thought of equitable distribution.The way to realize equitable distribution: First,smash the bourgeois state machine through violent revolution.Secondly,the establishment of the people’s democratic regime through the dictatorship of the proletariat.Thirdly,the social conditions of exploitation should be eliminated through the elimination of private ownership of the means of production.Then,the relative fairness of social distribution can be realized through the distribution according to work with "some breaks and deductions".Finally,the absolute fairness of social distribution is realized through the communist distribution according to need.Fair distribution Marx thought of common prosperity in the new age to achieve realistic enlightenment function.Its practical enlightenment is mainly embodied in ownership structure,distribution system,distribution concept,and common prosperity in spirit level.First,we should improve the ownership structure,maintain the dominant position of the public sector,and guide the healthy development of the non-public sector.Secondly,we should improve the distribution system,adhere to the principle of distribution according to work,and allow multiple distribution systems to coexist.Then,we should adhere to the thought of people-centered development,improve the social security system and deepen reform of the public service system.Finally,we should promote common prosperity at the spiritual level,study Marxist scientific theory and strengthen socialist cultural construction. |