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A Study On The Difficulties Seventh Graders Have In Raising Mathematical Problem

Posted on:2023-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2567306623975869Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mathematics problem-posing ability is the symbol of students’ all-round development and creative ability.Therefore,every country attaches great importance to the cultivation of problem-posing ability.Limited by the traditional mathematics teaching idea,the development of students’ ability to ask questions is relatively weak,which usually shows that they can’t ask questions or have difficulty in asking questions.However,there is relatively little further research on the difficulty of problem-posing,which leads to teachers’ inability to provide more targeted teaching strategies to deal with students’ difficulties in problem-posing.In this study,215 students in Grade 7 of a middle school in Hebei Province were selected as the research object,to explore the types of students’ difficulties in asking questions,and to analyze what specific difficulties students have in the process of asking questions.In this study,the performance of students’ question posing was examined by using the test paper of mathematical question posing.Structured life situation,structured mathematics situation,unstructured life situation and unstructured mathematics situation are set up.In four situations,this study examines whether students answer questions,ask questions effectively,ask questions differently,ask questions smoothly,and ask questions reasonably.The research draws the following conclusions:1.On the whole,the number of people who ask difficult questions is concentrated in the unsmooth questions.At the same time,the number of students who ask homogeneous questions and invalid questions is relatively large.In the question asking test,most students will actively ask questions,and the number of students who answer blank questions is relatively small.2.There are great differences in students’ difficulties between structured and unstructured situations.The main difficulty of students in structured situations is that the mathematical questions raised are invalid;However,the main difficulty in unstructured situations is that the mathematical problems raised are homogeneous and not smooth.3.Students’ difficulties are quite different between their life background and mathematics background.The main difficulty of students in mathematics background is that the mathematical questions raised are invalid;The main difficulty in the background of life is that the mathematical problems raised are homogeneous,unsmooth and unreasonable.4.On the whole,there is no significant difference between male and female students in the difficulties raised by students’ questions in four kinds of situations,namely,effective dimension,heterogeneous dimension,fluency dimension and rationality dimension(only life situation).However,there is a significant difference between male and female students in the difficulties of unsolvable problems.5.Students’ academic achievements in mathematics are related to the difficulties in putting forward questions.In both structured and unstructured situations,in the background of mathematics,there is a significant negative correlation between the inability to ask questions,the students’ asking for the homogeneity of black spots,the homogeneity of white spots and the homogeneity of comparison.In the background of life,there is a significant negative correlation between the difficulty of asking questions that have nothing to do with mathematical knowledge and the achievement;In the background of mathematics,there is a positive correlation between the lack of known conditions in students’questions and their academic achievements in mathematics.In view of the above research conclusions,the following suggestions are put forward:1.In the cultivation of the ability to ask questions,it is necessary to improve students’ awareness of reflection.2.In the cultivation of the ability to ask questions,it is necessary to enhance students’ creative thinking.3.In the cultivation of the ability to ask questions,it is necessary to improve students’ enthusiasm for participation.4.In the cultivation of questioning ability,pay attention to diverse questioning situations.5.In the cultivation of questioning ability,pay attention to the gender differences of students’ fluency in questioning.6.Pay attention to the bottleneck caused by the basic knowledge of mathematics to the ability to ask questions,but treat the influence of the basic knowledge of mathematics reasonably.
Keywords/Search Tags:problem posing, difficult problem posing, grade seven students, problem situation
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