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Candlelight In The Secret

Posted on:2017-04-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article altogether is composed of four chapters, respectively from the rediscovery of Georges de La Tour, pattern analysis of the representative works, to restore to the existing literature studies of representative works of material level and reduction of representative works of local practice ("the Secret of the Candle"), combining with the former three chapters for Georges de La Tour interpretation conclusions comprehensively and specifically show Georges de La Tour’s outlook, to solve the "candle in the secret" (for introduction to illustrate this concept can be found in the third quarter). Reduction type material analysis from the authors practical experience, is to understand the way to a new major artists, and a highlight of this article. Article has combed the history of art course experienced by the great artist fame, many words, let the reader to Georges de La Tour has a clear understanding of and don’t give up on his most attractive schema level analysis and exploration, bluntly pointed out that the mysterious and interesting place, reoccupy material to test the evaluation of art history,I have sent fit or a question to express the author. The overall logic of the article is trying to frame decomposition, from material and the way of painting, to analyze Georges de La Tour’s uniqueness, uncover Georges de La Tour’s choice in the 21st century.
Keywords/Search Tags:Georges de La Tour, Schema, Painting material, Restudy
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