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A Comparative Study Of The Localization Of Marxism In Russia And China

Posted on:2016-10-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1106330470481330Subject:Marxism in China
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Marxist philosophy is by far the greatest social science theory, which has produced a profound influence to the development of human society, and has won worldwide attention. Marxism not only reveals the general laws of development of human society, whose basic principle has the truth, but the theory presents itself this law providing methods and weapons, embodies practicality and operability. Truth, practicality and maneuverability are the most basic features of Marxism.During the 160 years after its birth, Marxism has guided people to transform nature and society, in addition, it has realized the combination of specific Marxist theory and practice various nations, namely the localization of Marxism. Combining with the specific reality of Russia, Marxism led to the great victory of the October Revolution and the establishment of the first socialist country in the world. But the Soviet Union disintegrated 74 years later. While combining with China’s specific reality, Marxism led to the birth of the Communist Party of China and the establishment of new China. Based on this combination, we established the basic system of socialism, carried out reform and opening-up, and promote the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st is because of the special relationship between these two practices of localization, especially their different fates that contribute the author to insist on a comparative study of the localization of Marxism in Russia and in China.This dissertation is divided into six parts:the introduction, four chapters and the conclusion.The introduction part describes the historical and practical significance of this comparative study:good for the Communist Party of China to stick to the Marxism, good for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and good to realize the firmness of holding the banner of Marxism in China. It fully reveals the inevitability of choosing objectively the road of democratic revolution, the value of Chinese socialist revolution and construction, the indispensability of socialist road with Chinese characteristics. It defines the main concepts involved of this research, such as the localization of Marxism, etc. It analyzes the present status of research of the localization of Marxism, as to further elaborate the necessity and feasibility of this study.The first chapter, the comparisons of Marxist localization during the period of revolution. This part presents the basic process of Marxist localization in China and Russia during the revolution. The features of Marxism in Russia are as follows:there was a fierce debate when disseminate this theory; revolutionaries transformed from the populism to the Marxism; theoretical guidance is prepared for the victory of revolution; innovation of Russian Marxist theory are fruitful; it contributed colonial and semi-colonial countries Communist Marxism to combine the theory with the actual conditions of country. The features of Marxism in China are as follows:China is good at use the experience of Marxist localization in Russia; at the same time, avoid the wrong way which Russia has attempted; they developed the theory under the condition that most party members are farmers; Marxist-Leninist theory in China stimulate various innovations. The main similarities between China and Russia on the Marxism localization:both countries attach importance to the creation and construction of the proletarian parties; both parties have paid attention to theoretical innovation during the localization of Marxism. The main differences:the two theoretical form which guide the revolution are different; they differ while following the path to revolution. So that we can draw the revelations:the establishment of the proletariat party is the precondition of the victory of revolution; revolutionary practice is inseparable from the proper guidance of theory; the theory guiding revolutions should continue enrichment, development and innovation; revolutionary path chosen varies from country to country.Chapter Ⅱ, the comparisons of Marxist localization during the period of construction. The construction period is divided into socialist transformation stage and socialist exploration stage. In this paper, we present the basic course of the Marxist localization and discover the features in this period:the abnormal development of the national economy under the influence of inertia militarization strategy; persist improperly the theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat and Class Struggle once appeared in serious condition; made a subjective orientation error in the judgment of history and social development; being paradox on the question of " exporting revolution" with an ideology of "tight inside and loose outside"; social construction has a serious gap between theory and practice, unable to improve people’s livelihood. While in China, the features in such a construction period:change in a timely manner from the "second division of the Soviet Union" to "second combination"; focus on theoretical innovation in the construction of socialist transformation and exploration; establish the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics; commit some subjective errors when exploring the road of socialist construction; the role of leaders influence the exploration of socialist construction. The main similarities of the two countries in this period:the two countries have retained a reasonable factor of capitalism in the transition to socialism in practice; both countries have answers how to successfully build socialism in a country who lag behind in economics; both countries have made a serious mistake in the class struggle and the construction of democratic politics. The main differences are:the specific path of transition to socialism; the strategic chosen of socialist economic construction; the party system and party-building measures. Compared inspirations include:we should not have the same specific construction model when building socialism with common principles and objectives; socialist economic construction being the foundation, we should focus on co-ordination of economic construction in a coordinated and sustainable way; socialist political construction being a guarantee, we should focus on innovation of system and mechanisms; we should evaluate objectively the role of leaders in socialist construction, and to prevent a "cult of personality."Chapter III, the comparisons of whether to insist Marxist localization during the period of reform. In this paper, the author presents the basic course of the localization of Marxism in the Soviet Union and China. We can discover that the Soviet Union has a sort of alienation in this period:a distortion of Marxist-Leninist theory and the choice of the wrong direction of socialist reform; a departure from Marxism-Leninism ideology theory, so that the reform lost the stable ideological foundation; contradiction to Marxist-Leninist party building theory, the party losing the leadership in the reform. And in China:the theory of Marxism in China get a more complete revelation in practice; the content of exploration and practice the essence of socialism is richer; the comparative advantages of the socialist system has withstood the test of practice; the socialism with Chinese characteristics practice more in line with national conditions. The reforms of the two countries share a similar background conditions. The main difference of the two countries are:how to understand the guiding position Marxist theory; whether the two countries adhere to the principles of Marxist localization; they differ also in specific measures and steps of different localization of Marxism, and microscopic details of the different localization of Marxism. So we draw inspirations as follows:the prerequisite for reform is to uphold socialism, which must be carried out under the leadership of the party; the purpose of the reform is to improve the socialist, we must develop a realistic, rational and in line with national conditions and objectives; culture is the country’s soft power and we should pay attention to the special features in the ideological and cultural work; human are cellular units of society, society should focus on human development; education of youth is stability of the state plan, so that we have always successors; social beliefs are the foundation of social stability.Chapter IV, the comparisons of experiences and lessons in two countries’Marxist localization. Their process and the outcome are different. Their common experience accumulated mainly include:the establishment of a proletarian party, who shoulder the socialist task of leading the socialist revolution, construction and reform, playing a role of the fundamental premise to promote localization of Marxism; the establishment of a basic system of socialism, who explore the way to realize the production of socialist public ownership, distribution according to work and other implementations, who plays as the fundamental requirement of localization of Marxism; the development of Marxist theory, the formation of which is an important part of the localization of Marxism and shows its vitality. The main common lessons worth remembering are as follows:we should adhere to Marxism as the party’s guiding ideology, and can not discard nature of the party——the vanguard being the working class; realistic being the soul of Marxism, we can not commit the error of dogmatism; we should respect the objective of economic development law and avoid to be anxious in the development; we should not engage in personal worship but hold a correct view of the role of leaders in the country. As a result, we can draw the following inspirations:uphold the leadership of the Communist Party is the fundamental premise of the Marxist localization improving the basic socialist system is the fundamental task of the localization of Marxism; to enrich and develop Marxism is the key to the localization of Marxism; the change of world’s, country’s and party’s situations is the fundamental basis of Marxism localization; properly evaluate the historical role of leaders is the basic requirements of upholding the historical materialism.The last part is the final conclusion and future direction of this research obtained.The conclusions is:the truth of Marxism has withstood the test of practice, the victory of the October Revolution, the establishment of the first socialist country and the disintegration of the Soviet Union provefrom both positive and negative aspects, that if we insist on the combination of the basic principles of Marxism and their specific reality, we would get the success of socialism, otherwise, would lead to failure. China and Russia (Soviet Union), their two different attitudes and two outcomes, prove from both two sides that if we insist on Marxism, adhere to socialism, uphold the leadership of the Communist Party, we would see a strong state, a harmonious society, happy people, and vice versa. Localization of Marxism in the Soviet Union is a painful lesson;the reasons that lead to this failure are the combined effect of various factors. From the localization of Marxism in China, we can get both successful experience and precious lessons. Marxism in China in the future will face a more complex situation and challenges; we must seriously sum up our experiences, but also learn from the lesson of failure of the Soviet Union.The comparative study of practice of the two countries is the most effective way, so comparative research is not only a priority, but is an eternal subject.The direction of future research:Firstly, there are still many historical archives has not been decryptedafter dozen years of disintegration of the Soviet Union, which determines the results of this paper is initial.In the future, we will make efforts to achieve a more comprehensive description of the basic course, which provide a guarantee to a more accurate and profound revelation. Secondly, the goal of this research is to conduct a more comprehensive system, but as specific situations of the two countries are very complicated, the sources indifferent historical stages are of imbalance possession:for example, the Soviet Union during the reform era has actually departed from Marxism and socialism. We will work hard on thecomprehensiveness and the correspondence of the compared objects, so as to complete a comparative study on the level of specific, systematic efforts, and strive to achieve better research objectives.Thirdly,we will do many efforts on the vividness of the theoretical explanation.The main innovations of this dissertation:First, it expands the horizon for study of Marxism in China. In academia, under the direction of sinicization of Marxism, few research focuses on a particular aspect of the localization in China and in Russia, less of a systematic study, almost a blank. Therefore, this topic is a new vision and a new expansion in this field of study.Second, it extracts initially the characteristics of different stages in the localization of Marxism in Russia. It is also rare of the division of stages in the existing research on Marxism in Russia. This article tries to divide systematically the course of localization into three phases, and on this basis concise the different characteristics.Third, it updates the understanding of the value of studying comparatively the localization of Marxism. There are many inseparable links between the localization of Marxism in China and Russia, added that Soviet Marxism ultimately ended in failure, which determines the significance of this research. It is an inherent and important part of the practice of Marxism in China. In order to facilitate the comparative study, this paper synthesizes the views of many scholars, divide localization in China into three stages, and try to give a new concise of different characteristics. A comparative study is not a new approach, but while searching domestic and abroad researches on localization of Marxism, there are very little systematic research using the comparative method of two or more countries, none on Chinese and Russian Marxism localization systems. So, it fills the lack of comparative studies of Chinese and Russian Marxism localization systems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marxism, localization, Marxism in China, Marxism in Russia, comparative study
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