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The Political Implication Of Contemporary College Students

Posted on:2014-01-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1107330434973356Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis analyses and discusses the college students group and their impact on the development of polic s in view of group polic s.There is some study concerning group polic s or the college students group, but lil e can be found concerning the relao nship between college students and the development of polic s.We can boldly assume that the polic ians, strategists and thinkers controlling and leading the development of our country on the100th anniversary of the foundao n of the Communist Party and the People’s Republic of China will just be the newborn generao n mainly consisn g of only children, who are remarked upon by current media and the public. Whether we trust them or not now, our country will conn ue to develop and the newborn generao n will one day reach the top of the country to govern it and achieve various ambio us goals we set today.In the lae r half of his life, Mao Zedong always thought one vital problem that who should be the successor. He once said," The world belongs to both young and senior people. However, in the long run the world belongs to young people. Young people are full of vigour, vitality and prosperity, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning, so we have high expectao ns of young people." Needless to say, the relao nship between college students and polic s varies depending on the m e and the country. In either theorec al polity or pracc al polity, the relao nship can be classie d into following three types:The r st type is the relao nship between polic s and successors. This kind of relao nship is the most tradio nal and lasn g one in the development of polic s of human beings. The relao nship between polic s and successors is the basic characterisc of the lasn g polic s with feudal autocracy. And the relao nship is typically characterized by son’s taking over his father’s business and the system of primogeniture.The second type is the relao nship between polic s and relao ns of die rent generao ns. Polic s is one of the ways people act and live and people are born with natural relao ns of die rent generao ns. A group of people who live in the same m e is called one generao n, thus die rent relao ns of die rent generao ns are brought about among people who do not live in the same m e and social environment. That’s why we have the relao nship between polic s and relao ns of die rent generao ns today.The last type is the relao nship between polic s and rebels. In many occasions, young people, the college students group in parc ular, cause ee cts on the development of polic s as rebels, especially in some countries whose polic s is underdeveloped. This kind of rebellions can be shown as conn ual polic al campaigns by students or coni cts over values and knowledge. Ae r they ascend the polic al arena, they may break completely with the past old system, which is based on the coni cts before.The three relao nships between college students and the development of polic s above are only with certain tendency instead of clear boundary or die rence. Due to relao ns of die rent generao ns, polic swill conn ue to develop regardless of objecv e facts or subjecv e reasons. As a result, by comparison with contemporary problems, the problem college students will face in the future must in the die rent m e and space. Obviously, the future polic s will show some new characterisc s which is based on relao ns of die rent generao ns instead of copying the original system, even in the relao nship between polic s and successors. It is no doubt that the proporo n of imitao n or conversion in polic s varies according to die rent types of polic s. Relav ely speaking, in the relao nship between polic s and successors, successors may prefer to copy and imitate the original system, while in the relao nship between polic s and rebels, rebels are inclined to break completely with the past old system. However, in the relao nship between polic s and relao ns of die rent generao ns, the newly emerging polic ians may both imitate some of the original system and break para lly with the past old system.But all of the three relao nships above can’t represent the development of contemporary polic s in the long run. The basic characterisc of contemporary polic s is civil polic s. In this kind of polic al pae rn, ciz ens are the main part of polic s and have contemporary polic al ideas.In terms of the development of contemporary polic s, the relao nship between college students and the development of polic s should be based on the relao nship between polic s and successors, develop towards civil polic s, take the rules in the development of the relao nship between polic sand relao ns of die rent generao ns into considerao n fully and avoid the relao nship between polic s and rebels as much as possible. In this kind of polic al pae rn, we ought to fully grasp the characterisc s of current college students, analyze the pae rn from the contradico n between college students and the development of polic s and even understand and solve the problem of polic al educao n and culv ao n on college students in view of the development of polic s. That’s the polic al importance of college students we mainly talk about in this thesis.In this thesis, we analyze and compare the general characterisc s of outstanding polic ians when they are in colleges in die rent m es in view of generao n alternao n in m e order and n d out the conn uity, similarity and die rence shown by the generao n alternao n by means of comparison method and historical method. By learning, analyzing and understanding current college students, we well judge and predict some of the principle characterisc s of college students in the future.Then, we further analyze the characterisc s which may be shown in the present or future development of contemporary college students and the ee cts which may be generated on the development of polic s by those characterisc s by comparison with the youth across the world under globalizao n in the same aspects.Next, we analyze the relao nship between college students and the development of polic s in view of polic al educao n and involvement. We also discuss the polic al importance of college students and raise a fundamental queso n that what kind of ciz ens we should culv ate and how we can culv ate those people in view of the development of polic s. We draw an important conclusion from the polic al importance of current college students on how to change the orientao n in contemporary higher educao n from professionalizao n to polic al man in need of developing civil polic s.Finally, we believe college students should be paid much ae no n because the group is an important source of the development of contemporary and future polic s. During the period of being knowledgeable and skillful in polic s, we should focus on the polic al educao n of college students and manage to educate them to be polic al men who are suitable for the development of modern society and the civilizao n of modern polic s. Whether those college students are polic al leaders or ordinary people, it’s no doubt that they are of great strategic signic ance to the development of current and future polic s in our country. Therefore, studying the polic al importance of contemporary college students is an important basis for our analysis, predico n and expectao n of the development of polic s in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:group polics, student polics, polical development
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