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Study On The Development Of Minnig EEES Coupling-Synergetic In Ecologically Fragile Regions

Posted on:2015-07-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S K FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330431470463Subject:Resource industries economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After30years’reform and opening-up, China has undergone enormous economic and social changes. However, the rapid development of industrialization has also brought great challenges to the economy, society and ecological environment Currently, China has become the world’s largest "manufacturing plant". With the acceleration of reform and opening-up process, China’s economy has developed rapidly. According to statistics, Added Value of Chinese industry has been developing at a rate of about11.5%during the period from1978to2004, greater than that of GDP of the same period by2%. In2008, China has already become the number one exporter of steel, coal, cement, fertilizers and TV industry.With the continuous economic and social development, environmental problems are be-coming more and more serious and a growing attention has been paid on the coordinated devel-opment of economy, society and ecological environment in eco-fragile areas. From a global per-spective, China has a large area of ecologically fragile areas and a diverse eco-type. The White Paper Chinese Ecological Protection, which is issued by State Environmental Protection Ad-ministration in2006, points out that China’s ecologically fragile area accounted for over60%of the land area. Due to many natural and man-made factors, the distribution of China’s eco-fragile areas is broad, and most of areas locate in the ecological transition zone and vegetation ecotones. In detail, the eco-fragile areas consist of Inner Mongolia, Loess Plateau, Greater Khingan, Lesser Khingan, Sichuan Basin, Guizhou plateau and other places. Besides, the above eco-fragile areas are also poor population concentrated areas. Therefore they have a strong desire for economic development. Because of the highly coupled features between regional poverty and geographical distribution as well as the sharp contradiction between economic development and environment protection, the local governments are facing the challenge of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. The central government has repeatedly stressed that environmental bearing capacity of our country is low and protecting the environment is protecting the homes we live in as well as the foundation of our nation. Decision of the State Council on the implementa- tion of the scientific outlook on development and reinforcement of environmental protection clearly indicates the development of eco-fragile areas should be restricted. By implementing eco-protection strategy of "Three Areas’Promotion", Department of Environmental Protection provides policy support for ecological environment in eco-fragile regions. However, restricting development does not mean stagnation. We need to seek coordinated and sustainable develop-ment based on ecosystem integrity and stabilization.Mining has acted as an important engine for economic development since the breakout of industrial revolution. Sufficient evidence shows that modern mining legislation and an enabling environment will be helpful to attract foreign investment in mining exploration and production. This in turn helps to increase national and regional taxes, export revenues, employment opportu-nities, infrastructure construction and technology introduction of host country. In2012, China’s newly proved reserves in oil exploration, natural gas, coal, iron ore, copper, gold and potash are1.5billion tons,961billion cubic meters,61.6billion tons,4billion tons,4.31million tons,917tons and1461tons, respectively. The total amount of newly increased large and medium-sized mineral deposits is119, including23large mineral deposits and96medium-sized ones. These mineral deposits are mainly distributed in Xinjiang, Yunnan, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Shandong, Guizhou and Jilin provinces. The amount of main mineral production continues to increase and domestic supply capacity is also growing. The outputs of mineral production such as coal, crude steel and cement retain its first position in the world. In2012, the disposable energy production in China amounts to3.32billion tons of standard coal. Mineral resources exploitation provides considerable opportunities for the economic development of developing countries. However, risky or unreasonable mining operations may lead to abnormal development of the lo-cal economy and society as well as environmental damage at the same time. Especially, irrational exploitation of mineral resources in ecologically fragile areas will result in a more disastrous consequence.As areas with outstanding ecological issues and relatively backward economy, the develop-ment of the eco-fragile regions should not be in accordance to the traditional development model. Otherwise these areas are likely to be trapped into a malignant state faster mining development, more ecological problems and more imbalanced eco-system. However, the contradiction is not inevitable. A philosophical and systematic thought, coupling collaboration, occurs during the en-tire development process. This dissertation studies on the positive synergies and coupling of mining ecology, environment, economy and society in eco-fragile areas, in order to seek for the unification of ecological benefits, environmental benefits and economic benefits and provide ref-erences for the sustainable development of mining, trying to break the split situation.This dissertation incorporates lots of related theories, such as regional economics, environ-mental economics, mining economics, resource economics, ecological economics, institutional economics, and theory of sustainable development, policy sciences, geography and science. The idea of system hierarchy runs throughout the whole dissertation, in addition, the study is on the basic of the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative research, as well as the empirical research and normative research.The main contents of the dissertation are as follows: First of all, after reading related academic achievement of experts and scholars, related re-search results are reviewed, including the understanding, quantitative research and mechanism analysis of coupling synergy. In this dissertation, the related research on ecologically fragile eco-logical environment in mining area and coordinated development of economic society coupling are presented and evaluated from three levels, epistemology, view of the coupling and methodol-ogy. In the perspective of epistemology, the theory developed from the traditional concept of pursuit of wealth, pessimistic Zero Growth Theory, upbeat economic development theory to the formation of the dialectical concept of coupling coordination; coupled meso-level ecological concept has penetrated into all aspects of economy, management, social system, new concepts are produced by coupling ecosystem and economic system, such as zero resource economics, excre-tion resource economics, environmental economics, circular economy, green economy, ecological economy, low carbon economy and carbon sink economy; besides, new concepts are produced by coupling ecological system and management system, such as eco-leadership, ecological man-agement, ecological services, ecological supply chain and eco-design; furthermore, new projects are produced by coupling ecological system and social system, such as ecological government, eco-business, eco-communities, eco-cities, ecological province, ecological function zones; moreover, new practice are produced by coupling ecological system and social system, such as cleaner production, eco-friendly production, environmental management, eco-industries. In the perspective of methodology, this dissertation divided the domestic and international evaluation of the ecological environment, society and economy into coupling coordination degree measure-ment based on index synthetic addition, efficiency coefficient, variation and distance, dynamic change, fuzzy theory, grey theory, DEA model, system evolution and the system dynamics theory. Finally, the achievements of research are reviewed, considered there are some issues, including too much research on constitutes while little research on generative theory, existence of dif-ferent definition, overlap of research method and theoretical results difficult to dock with prac-tice.Second, ecologically fragile regions are distinguished into different divisions based on the studies both at home and abroad. In this chapter, we divide the ecologically fragile regions into three parts, east, middle, west, and make a thorough analysis on development status of mining in two provinces picked out from every part.Third, the essay builds a dynamically tripartite game model for main stakeholders of mining in ecologically fragile regions, using the method of backward induction, and drawing a conclu-sion of Nash Equilibrium containing government, community, and mining enterprises.Fourth, DEA model is chosen, combined with the fuzzy mathematics theory to conduct em-pirical research on synergetic development situation of mining industry EEES coupling system in Qinghai. First of all, technical efficiency of DEA is used to reflect collaborative validity, together with reflecting development validity by scale efficiency and collaborative development efficiency by overall efficiency. Calculation of collaborative validity, development validity and collabora-tive development efficiency in every two subsystems and above three subsystems are defined. Using DEA model, synergetic development of Qinghai Province’s mining industry EEES cou- pling system has been evaluated. From the perspective of vertical level, each year within time series from2005to2012in Qinghai is considered as evaluation unit, while a total of20input and output indicators including ecological environment subsystem, economic subsystem and social subsystem are established respectively, so as to evaluate collaborative validity, development va-lidity and collaborative development efficiency of single subsystem, two subsystems and three subsystems. Results are as follows:From the evaluation result, it can be shown that for Qinghai’s mining industry EEES cou-pling system in years of2005,2006,2008and2012, collaborative validity, development validity and collaborative development efficiency are all1, which shows that coupling systems in those years are simultaneously satisfied with effective development, effective synergy and effective integration, best efficacy between inputs and outputs, as well as optimal input and output scale, appropriate proportion of factor structure. Relatively, effect of coupling system’s coordinated de-velopment is best as a whole. While in years of2009,2010and2011, they reach effective syn-ergy, and ineffective development, namely the fact that proportion of factor structure for each subsystem or between the subsystems are appropriate, but input and output size is not the best state, with phenomena of insufficient input or input redundancy. Horizontally, China’s14typical ecologically fragile provinces with abundant mineral resources are chosen as decision-making units, while12input indicators of three groups, including ecological environment input, eco-nomic input and social input are chosen, together with9output indicators of four groups, includ-ing economic development index, environmental index, social development index and ecological index. On basis of dimensionless method, comprehensive aggregation is conducted to evaluate the synergetic development situation of various areas’EEES coupling system. Evaluation effi-ciency can be divided into three categories, and the results are as follows:Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Liaoning and Hunan belong to the type I region, namely collaborative development condition is best; Hubei, Heilongjiang and Gansu belong to type Ⅱ region, namely better synergetic devel-opment; the rest of provinces belong to type Ⅲ region, namely primarily synergetic develop-ment. Among them, Qinghai belongs to type Ⅲ, namely high redundancy rate of resource input and environment input, together with diminishing returns to scale, which means that increasing the consumption of resources cannot achieve the development of society and economy. On the basis of the existing scale of production, synergetic development mode should be adopted ac-tively through technological progress to improve the efficiency of resource utilization and waste recycling.Fifth, With regard to implementation level, different incentive and constraint measures should be made for government, enterprises, public and other subjects. First of all, role of the government’s guidance should be given play to, and new national economic accounting method should be established by reference of green GDP, GPI and other indicators, together with imple-menting environmental accountability of leading cadres, as well as straightening out the mining environment management system; enterprise should be considered as the main body of ecological environment protection, together with giving preferential policy to stimulate enterprise develop-ment, and shortening the industrialization process of environment technology, as well as promot- ing enterprise technology innovation through green consumer demand; consciousness of protect-ing ecological environment should be improved, together with implementing environmental in-formation disclosure and improving the public participation mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecologically, Fragile Region, Mining, Ecology-Environment-Economy-Society, Coupling-Synergetic
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