The service industry, as an important part of the national economy, has become amajor driving force of economic growth, as well as an important measure ofeconomic structure optimization. Since the reform and opening-up, the serviceindustry has developed fastly. In2013,the service added value has exceeded thesecond industrial added value for the first time.Yet, this does not indicate that ourcountry has entered the post-industrial age, because the employment structure of thethree industries and urbanization level are not in accordance with theindustrialization’s stage-division standard put forward by Chenery. Thus it is better tosay that at present our country is still in the later industrial phase, that is, thetransitional period from the middle to the late. Under new situations, industrialrestructuring includes not only the economic growth from extensive mode tointensive mode, but also requires the coordinated development between regions andthe share of the fruits. However, the service industry in our country is constrained bysuch factors as resources, environment and the unbalanced regional development;thus it is difficult to drive the backward areas through the radiation and expansioneffect of growth-pole pattern as the “Yangtze River Deltaâ€,“Pearl RiverDeltaâ€,“Beijing-Tianjin-Hebeiâ€. To achieve common prosperity and harmoniousdevelopment, the backward areas should adjust and optimize the structure ofthe service industry to activate and enhance the endogenous power, based on thetheory of endogenous economic growth.Since the service is a typical urban industry, and its development and structureoptimization are based on the urbanization, the urbanization process is the continualdevelopment of the service. With the central government’s proposal of the newurbanization construction and the acceleration of urbanization advancement, theservice industry will usher in new opportunities for development. Under this background, with the great influence of urbanization on the service industry,Jilin Province, as a backward area in service industry, should seize the opportunity toguide and support the service, search the balance point of urbanization constructionand service development according to the optimization of the industrial structure, toachieve healthy interaction and finally the industrial upgrading.On the basis of this realistic demand, this thesis analyzes the service structure’sevolution and optimization of Jilin Province in the urbanization context, andresearches the interactive mechanism between the two factors, according to the twologics (theories, empirical evidences, countermeasures and the history, the presentsituation, the future), with the theories of industrial economics, economicgeography, regional economics, city economics theory, from the connotation of theservice structure (output structure, employment structure, spatial structure) andurbanization (population urbanization, industry urbanization, space urbanization,social urbanization). The logical framework of the urbanization and service’s mutualdevelopment is constructed in the paper based on the empirical analysis andgeneralization of the regularity of the two’s mutual development. From thehistorical point of view, the thesis studies the spatial and temporal evolutioncharacteristics of service industry during the urbanization in Jilin Province from twoaspects—industry and region. Finally, based on the example analysis, and the regionaleconomic and social development in Jilin Province, the service industry’s future,spatial planning and the coordination with urbanization in Jilin Providence isexplicated in the paper.This thesis includes seven chapters.Chapter One is the introduction of the researching subject, researchingbackground, researching methods, researching value and innovation, the relatedliterary review home and abroad as well as the paper structure.The second chapter is a theory review. At the first, the concept of serviceindustry and urbanization is explained in-depth, which defines the paper’s researchscope. Meanwhile, the related theories and the evolution of industrial structure of theservice industry and urbanization are systematically reviewed, which lays atheoretical foundation for the mechanism research and empirical analysis of this paper.Chapter Three is on the mechanism analysis of mutual development of theurbanization and the service. Based on the literary review and the theoreticalanalysis, this chapter clearly states the mutual development of the urbanization andservice industry, and the mutual influence between urbanization and the servicestructure. According to the gradual progress of the mutual development, the logicpattern of mutual development is explicated and the theoretical mode of mutualdevelopment is constructed, which can be taken to judge the urbanizationand service industry dynamic evolution and synergetic development effect in JilinProvince.The fourth chapter shows the service output and the progress of employmentstructure in the process of urbanization in Jilin Province. With the statistics andqualitative and quantitative research methods, the service output and the progress ofemployment structure in the process of urbanization in Jilin Province is analyzed.The features of the service output and the progress of employment structure arestudied from the aspects of the three industries’ structure and the internal structure ofthe service industry. Through the descriptive statistic analysis, the urbanization inJilin Providence accords with the service output and the progress of employmentstructure, showing steady growth. In terms of the output structure, at present thesecond industry is still dominant, and the service industry can hardly replace it tobecome the new engine of urbanization. But from the view of employment structure,as agricultural population moves to urban, the service industry has become the mainforce of employment. As to the internal structure evolution of the service industry, theoutput and employment structure show consistency with the gradual progress of theservice industry in developed countries, namely, with the improvement ofurbanization, the output of the commercial circulation industry and the employmentproportion declining, and the output and employment of the producerservice industry (the financial, real estate) rising. On the basis of describing trends,this chapter also employs the rolling correlative analysis method to test therelationship between the two, and the results indicate that the urbanization rate is ina positive correlation with the service industry structure and employment structure, but comparatively speaking, the correlation between urbanization rate andthe employment structure of the service industry is more significant. In order tobetter study the association between the internal structure of the urbanization and theservice industry, this chapter also uses grey relation analysis to study the rate ofurbanization and service industry association between14segments of the industry,discovering that the urbanization rate has a lower overall connection level with theservice industry output value, but a higher overall connection level with theservice industry employment, which further verifies the former conclusion. Modernservice is leading in the urbanization and industries with good employment, whichshows that the urbanization quality in Jilin Province is better.Chapter Five is concerning the spatial structure evolution of the service industryin the process of urbanization in Jilin Province. From the regional (municipal, state,county) and industrial aspects, six cross section data are selected (1992,1996,2000,2004,2008,2012) to analyze the evolution characteristics of spacedevelopment of service industry in Jilin Province with the methods of concentration,location quotient, Moran index, four bitmap index. The results indicates that from theregional municipal level, the middle region is the core to develop the service industry,superior to the eastern and western areas; the service industry in Changchun and JilinCity is especially outstanding, accounting for over50%of the wholeprovince, becoming the two growth pole of the service development in Jilin Province.As for the counties, service industry in Jiutai and Songyuan is of good momentum ofdevelopment. Particularly, Qianguo County has formed special regional serviceindustry. From agglomeration situation, the overall concentration level of the serviceindustry in Jilin Province is low, without obvious advantages, but from thedeveloping trend, it shows a good momentum of development. From the internaldeveloping space in the service industry, the first level service (circulation)and secondlevels of service industry (production and life service industry) development level ineach area are higher than the third level (cultural and educational services) and fourthlevels of service (public service) no matter from the total proportion or percapita value increase. At the same time, the one or two level is of good ervicendustry in various regions of the growth momentum and the development trend of the second level is better than the first level service except of Siping, Liaoyuan.Chapter VI comprehensively evaluates the coordinated Development ofurbanization and service industry in Jilin Provinces. Based on the connotation ofurbanization and the service industry, as well as the mechanism and the logical pathof the interactive development, this chapter constructs the evaluation index system forthe comprehensive urbanization level (urbanization of the population, urbanization,industrialization, urbanization space, living urbanization) and the services integrateddevelopment level(size, structure, efficiency, growth). With AHP and CoordinationModel, in support of relevant software, the comprehensive development levels ofservice industry since1986in Jilin Providence, comprehensive development levels ofurbanization, services and collaborative development of urbanization are researchedquantitatively, and the results are evaluated effectively. The results show that: thecurrent level of coordination between urbanization and service in Jilin Providence isin general, in a more coordinated development stage. The main reason is the level ofservice industry lags behind urbanization, affecting the coordinated development. Themain reason of its lagging is the unreasonable internal structure of the service industry,unbalanced regional development and low agglomeration level.Chapter VII puts forward some strategic suggestions to optimize the servicestructure in Jilin Providence under the urbanization background. Based on the resultsof empirical analysis and evaluation mechanisms and interactive developmentservices and urbanization and the dynamic evolution of the foregoing rules, thischapter discusses the future direction of the service industry in Jilin Province underthe background of urbanization, and clearly explains the path to optimize the servicestructure and the spatial layout, and proposes some urbanization-responsive strategiesto promote the rapid development of the service industry in Jilin Providence. |