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Research On Internal Synergetic Innovation Mechanism Of The New Generation Information Technology(IT) Service Enterprise

Posted on:2016-11-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330473956097Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, innovation resources are being reallocated in a wider range because of the global informationization. The research on the effe cti ve alloca tion and int egration of Innovation re sources has become a c ommon concern for academics and practitioners.M eanwhile, t he original organizational structures and innovation patterns in many companies has c hanged markedly in r ecent ye ars. The r eal location of production factors ac celerate s the fl ow of knowledge and res ources, resulting in a gain of spillover effects of tec hnologic al innovation, which provides mor e opportunities for the progress of technological i nnovati onin in the e merging markets. In knowledge economy er a, the diffusion r ate of technique become s fas t, and significant changes occur in the competition among enterprises. The competition among the new generation information technology se rvice e nterprises, for example, graduall y shifts from int er-origanization competition to technology, innovation and human resources, and other int angibl e assets competitions. Through continued access to the advanta ges of intangible ass ets, the enterprises can compensate for t he disanvant ages of physical r esources such as ra w materials and ca pita l.Bas e on the theory of synergies, total innovation management theory, the thesis invest igat es the si tuat ion of collaborat ive innovation in the new gene ration IT service enterprises. We proposed a theoretical model, conduct ed a s urvey to val idat e the model,and put forword strategies. Specifically, thi s thesis firs t di scusses the moti vation fac tors drivi ng the internal collaborative innova tion, t hen an i nnovati on model explaining the mechanism responsible for the internal collaboratve innovation in the new generation IT s ervic e enterprises is constructed. The model explicates the organizational and bus iness models innovation of thes e ent erprises. After that, a case study is conduc ted to exa mine the key col labora tive innovation eleme nts such as c orporate strategy, organizational model, business model, technology services of China Mobile. Final ly, manage r ial s uggestions and recomme ndations for the management of innovation and competi tion i n the development of the new generation IT service enterprises informat ion services collaboration in emerging markets are proposed. The t hesis is organized as foll ows.First, the research ba ckground is introduced, on the basis of t he a ctual pr oblem facing by enterpr ise syne rgy innovation pr ocess. Then we propose the resea r ch purposes ba sedon thereview and summary of the innovation of the management theory research in the literature. The purposes of this thesis reveal the importance of collaborative innovation management and nec essi ty. The t hird chapter focus es on the i nterna l mechanism of synerget ic innovation of the new generation IT service infor mat ion service theory framework a nd c onnotation. We explain the research desi gn a nd methodology of the thesi s. We put forward some hypotheses based on a large number of basic research literature reviews and the i ssue of explorat ory rese arch. The fourth chapte r includes data collection and the inve stigation and analysis of the collected data. We use SPSS s oftware for statistical analysis to validate the relevant hypothes esand ana lyse the correlations between the elements of i nnovati on a nd t heir performance. The fifth cha pter deals wit h the new gene r ati on IT service enter pris es’ synergy innovation organization and bus iness mode l by employingstructural equation model(SEM).Chapt er sixt h t akes Chi na Mobi le as a specific case to corroborate the findi ngs from the preceding c hapters. We anal yze the requirement of the innovation management in the new c ompet iti ve environme nt of the enterprise, its synergy process and effects of enterprise service and c ommercia l collaborative models. The case study explicates the managerial implic ations of new synergy innovation.Major cont ributions i n this study include: First, the the sis systematical ly st udies the internal group, enter pris e or organizat ion coll aborat ive innovation mechanisms. The exist ing resear ch on synergistic innovation mainly focuses on t he collaborative innovation be tween enterpr ises. This dissertation provides a new perspective on collaboration i nnovati on withi n the enterprises. Internal synergetic innovation mainly refers to innovation of enterprises between members and the various de partments in an enterprise. I t also involve s the full i ntegration of resources, knowledge, behavior,performance. Survey resea r ch a nd case study wer e conducted on Chi na Mobi le as it is a large sca le company having many subsidiaries. This study i nvestigates t he innovation and cooperation between internal depa r tments, subsidiaries, collaborative innovation in China Mobile.Se condly, this s tudy enr ichs the theory of enterpr is e synergy i nnovati on. This st udy not only revie ws the internal t echnology market, the organi zation and the strategy of enterprise synergy innovation elements. It also reviews the innovation of enterprise culture and business models. The st udy proposes an inter nal cooperative innovation dynami c mechani sm model to gai n insight into the internal and external collaborativefeedback of market de mand. The proposed model can also promote the innovation performance.Finally, this thesis focuse s on the new generation IT services industry. The pr ior research generally aimed at traditional i ndustr ial enterprises, especially the collaborative innovation of manufact uring enterprises. This diss ertation focuses on the new gene ration IT service industry, wit h a perspecti ve of information service enter prise a s the object of the study t o carry out inter nal synergy i nnovati on r esearch. There are s everal distinct features between the new generation IT se r vice s industry and traditional industrial enterprises. Compare d to traditional i ndustr ial enterprises, the new gener ati on IT services i ndustr y possesses some t ypical characteristics s uch as higher strategy requir ement, more advanced technologies, more intens e competitions, etc. By anal yzing opportuni tie s and challenges encountered in the process of enterprise development and operation of a new generation IT services ent erprise, this dissertat ion offers a compre hensive study to better understandthe these enterprises ’ synergy i nnovati on demands, the connotation and the internal mechani sm of ent erprises under t he new environment. The study can also pr ovide strategic considerations for promoting the ca pacity of collaborative innovation in the ne w generation IT services enterprise.
Keywords/Search Tags:The new generation information te chnology(IT) service enterprises, Internal Synerget ic Innovation, Factors of Innovation, organization and business model innovation, Synergisti c effect
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