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Jiangsu Province, An Important Ecological Function Of Protected Areas Zoning

Posted on:2009-07-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ecosecurity, one of key components of regional and national security, has being rised to be widely concerned as a major ecological problem by goverments and environmental protection researchers over the world. T`he critical point for protecting ecosecurity is to ensure the main stable and sustainable ecologcial roles of ecosystems such as biodiversity conservation, water and soil sustaining, flooding and micro-climate regulation. The damage or loss of ecological function will restrict the development of regional economy and society.In recet years, there has been some studies focused on the theories of sustaining regional ecosecurity, but few field study or experience. The purpose of this thesis was to propose the division planning and conservation strategies of Jiangsu key ecological function reserve areas based on the analysis of the ecological environmental status in Jiangsu province, to develop sustainlly both ecological security and economy.In the thesis, the status and sensity of Jiangsu ecological environment were appraised as well as the importance of service function of ecosystems through analysising the ecological environment data and the characteristics of the studied ecosystems, and the twelve key ecological function reserve area were screened out with AHP method, including natural reserve area, forest park, drinking water storage and purification,key wetlend,scening area, key fishery area, ecological public welfare forest,special ecoindustrial area, marine conservation area, flooding regulation area,channels sustaining area.Moreover, the corresponding protection strategies were proposed. Finally, The Jiangsu key ecological function reserve area database was setted with ArcGIS 9.2 software and Oracle10gdatabase, so did geographic information management system, thus the automization management of Jiangsu key ecological function reserve area was put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecosecurity, ecological environment appraisal, key ecological function reserve area, appraisal indicator systems, divison planning, information management system
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