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The Contemporary Value Of Marx's Idea On Individual Emancipation--An Exploratory Study On Individual Emancipation From The View Of Scientific Revolution

Posted on:2005-11-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z S YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360152967873Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Individual emancipation is one of the eternal subjects into which man has been probing. With great changes of human society brought about by new science and technology, and with the further wakening of man's sense of self-emancipation, individual emancipation has got many new conditions and faces many new problems. How to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the significance of scientific and technological revolution towards individual emancipation, how to re-examine the position and value of Marx's theory on individual emancipation, how to stick to the guidance of Marx's theory on individual emancipation and consciously promote the course of individual emancipation, these are still theoretical topics to be further studied and real problems to be solved in contemporary China with the over-all building of a fairly-off society. On the background of new scientific and technological revolution in the contemporary world and its effects, through research on texts and investigation to the reality, linked with the reality of individual emancipation in the building of China's socialist modernization, and on the basis of absorbing relative researches both at home and abroad, the thesis has done a systematic study on the texts of Marx's theory on individual emancipation and on the new conditions and new problems of contemporary individual emancipation. The thesis has also criticized the various present incorrect ideas, distortions and trends to deny the Marxist leading values towards Marx's theory on individual emancipation. It has criticized the elements to deny social institutions in the field of individual emancipation, and the ideas to emphasize one-sidedly the dominant effects of science and technology. The writing of this thesis will be beneficial to the enrichment of Marxist study on man in the time of the new scientific and technological revolution, to the sustenance and guidance of theoretical research for the practice of individual emancipation in contemporary China, and to the promotion of the real course of individual emancipation.The major viewpoints the thesis presented are as follows:Individual emancipation is the leading value direction of Marx's. The Marxist philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism are all centered around the one and the same goal and theme: individual emancipation. The emancipation of all mankind is Marx's final pursuit. Having proletarian set free first is Marx's real aim and basic position. Individual emancipation not only encompasses political emancipation and ideological emancipation, but also labor emancipation; to abolish completely the old mode of production, to eliminate the old division of labor, and to increase people's leisure time so as to practice overall education, etc. are all fundamental conditions for individual emancipation. The topmost boundary of individual emancipation is the overall freedom in development. Individual emancipation is an objective historical process. All forms of private ownership, including the capitalist institution, are the fundamental barriers for individual emancipation. There is inner unity between socialism and individual emancipation. Under different social institutional backgrounds, technology revolution has different effects for individual emancipation. Only under the rational social institutions can the advanced science and technology become the means to liberate people. The radical changes in modern industrial structure, labor process and labor mode brought about by high technology, have further proved the truthfulness and science of Marx's theory on individual emancipation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Individual Emancipation, The Overall Free Development of Individuals, Scientific and Technological Revolution
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