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Occurrence Of Chinese Left-wing Literature

Posted on:2006-01-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360155454611Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Left-wing literature of China is always attentioned by researchers as a special literary phenomenon and the researchers did a lot of work. But the problem is many researchers did work on casting back his history, not to seek the headwaters and internal cause. Some of them emphasize the social affect of Left-wing literature and put wizardly honour on it; some of them magnify the localization of of it and regard it Old Nick. My paper attempts to some subjects that many researchers ignored: How did left-wing literary happen? How did Left –wing is linked with other literature? How many mysteries have Left-wing literature? How did Left-wing literature dispart, and then integrate? What is difference among them? By all appearances, researching of occurring of Left-wing literature is very important in theory and realism to open up study view of modern literature. In the beginning of 1920', the May 4th New Literature Movement plunged low tide. Crocking up of Literature Revolution gradually because of intervention of politic trend of thought on New Literature Movement, laggard status of education and internal poverty of China thought led to serious dispartment of new literature group and renaissance of literature conservatism, which made literature group weak to put down flood of feudalism and overflow of vanity. Under the double blows between realism and dream, new literature researchers began to their thought and knew the unmentionable disease in the New Literature Movement. So left-wing intelligentsia adopted more practicalily, more material and more revolutionary measures of literature. They advocated "creating of new literature", and brew the movement of revolution literature. Guo Moruo, early communists and Lu Xun took different roles in the process. After the low tide of great revolution, some of Left-wing intelligent put forward Proletariate Revolution Literature definitely and advocated revolution literature controversy in 1928, which established basic tend of Left –wing literature. Proletariate Revolution Literature Movement of China was advocated mostly by the intellectuals studying in Japan and Russia. One hand, the influence of abextra thinking pattern, notion and methods can not be ignored in the transition from Literature Revolution to Revolution Literature. The influence got by authors'experience in Japan and Russia provided Left-wing intelligentsia and literature forms with rich inspirit resources. On the other hand, the occurring of Left –wing literature had deep internal drive, that is the Chinese Experience got by writers. Chinese writers'subjective experience not only was involved in their existence and living recept, but also their value view and culture choice. The reciprocity of all these subjective experience was essential to the occurring of Left-wing literature. Those enlightened art groups and publications in the China modern literary world, especially Creating Socity, Sunning Socity, Engining Socity, Our Socity and Left-wing publications, have consanguineous link with the occurring of Left-wing literature. There are a lot of translations and works about proletariate arts on those publications. Some of Lef-wing writers animadverted strongly on bourgeoisie literature and petty bourgeoisie literature as retroaction ones according to theirunderstanding on these theories. They tried to intensify "art working for politics", "art as tools of propagandizing"and "art working for rank battle"in order to establish proletariate ideology by literature and practise their development consciousness that they took part in actively social politics. At the same time, there are a lot of revolution works which were not written very well in art on those publications. But the whole works became very important parts of culture and history literature and they not only reflected visually Chinese proletariate revolution awakening and growing up in politics, but also showed visually the process of Left-wing literature from the estate of spontaneous upgrowth to consciously. In the development of proletariate revolution literature, Lu Xun always surveyed actively dispositions of civilian and pursued the natural lifeblood of nation. He established his special revolution literature system by doing the following work: melting kinds of revolution spirit and culture resource, regarding unique humanity –solicitude in "figure people"thought as logical jumping –off point and spirit headwaters, regarding recasting of nature of civilian as straight cause of kindling his thought, basing on literature creating and controversy of revolution literature fore-and after 1928. The system absorbed in reasonably some of Marx-Lenin thought and took great role in the Left-wing literature movement. Lu Xun represented the conscience and sense of Left-wing intelligentsia and projected that Left-wing writers pursuited Marx-Leninism revolution modernity, held their ground of demos thought, nation thought and country thought. He shaped his unique life demeanor and culture character and morals by facing straightly and surpasses realism and sharing the fate of civilian of China. His thought had transcended his time.Only when we peeled Lu Xun of the Chinese intelligentsia studying in England and Japan before can we see the true history and the right trend of occurring of Left-wing literature. The occurrence of left-wing literature required certain practical factors, which included a series of comprehensive social and cultural organism such as left-wing writers, resources and methods. Only when these factors occurred and matured did occur the left-wing literature.The circle of left-wing intellectuals was formed because of the acknowledgment as left-wing intellectuals, the productive methods of modern literature and the rising of left-wing literature and art groups. Visualizing the construction of proletariat literature and having absorbed the Traditional Chinese culture and the proletariat culture in Japan and Russia, the left-wing intellectuals worked out the acknowledgement, morality and aesthetic standards. They made explicit the nature of left-wing literature—the proletariat revolutionary literature refered to the literature highlighting proletariat revolutionary ideas under the guide of Marx-Leninism and it stressed its conflict with ideology of Kungmingtang. The Left-wing literature was very naive, defective with sectarianism and political tendency at the dawn of it, but it could grow under Kungmingtang's dictactorship and control of literature and art, and it combined other progressive literary powers and forged into the mainstreams in 1930's as well. The reason why its inner spiritual quality was unique and its life was so strong compared to other literary forms stemed from this:its foundation was benefits of lower people, its practical aim was to unify the proletariats all over the world and achieve happy life for them while its ultimate aim is to...
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Left-wing literature, Subjective experience, the production of literature, Lu Xun, occurrence
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