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On "Social-State" Theory Of Marx And Its Contemporary Value

Posted on:2011-08-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116330332472688Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Social-State" theory of Marx is an important basic theory of Marxism. Here the "state" of power as a state, "society" is a "national" scope of the corresponding comparative. The theory doesn't research social and national priorities within their respective fields, but to study their correlation and relations. This paper integrated the use of philosophy, economics, political science, sociology of knowledge and methods of intellectual history from the perspective of a comprehensive sort of Marxist "social-state", contains clear focus on the theory of historical materialism, surplus value theory and scientific socialism.The people issue the society and state through "confused state of society": classical nationalism, "the first in the state of society":modern liberalism, "the state decided to society":state rationalism. Marx is also an admirer of Hegel's state rationalism. However, the "Rheinische Zeitung" awareness made him the starting point from the "rational state" to the objective material interests, ultimately, on criticism of Hegel's Philosophy of right; found "civil society determines state "position. From the "Critique for Hegel's Philosophy of Right" to "German Ideology". Marx on the role of civil society based on knowledge of the country also experienced a "people-based"-the "natural base"-"real basis "of the deepening process, and from the" real interests of the content "and" illusory community "explores the new dimension the separation of civil society and state, " special interests-Pubian interests " into "individual interests-the common interest (in essence, class interests)-all of interests " analytical framework. In the " poverty of Philosophy ", he further defined the "society" concept, "social organism" and "bourgeois society" instead of "civil society" as a dimension of reality from the historical dimension and the relationship between society and the state inspection The main areas upon which the scientific understanding of their relationship. This also means that "Social-State" theory of Marx formation. Marx clarified the relationship between civil society and state; they will go deep into internal of bourgeois'society and states. In the "The Communist Manifesto" and other works, he reveals society and state realized the reality of the separation in the times, its revolutionary is that the formation of a truly modern society and modern state, however, because of bourgeois society and the State binary contradictions (rooted in the capital dominated labor) would be insurmountable and eventually surpass the historical trend, which basically outlines the social and national unity of the historical process of differentiation. Since then, they follow the Marxist critique of political criticism and economic two clues were the bourgeois state and bourgeois society on the development of the contradictions and made a detailed study law. In " the class struggle in France" and " the 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte " in his study in France through the political process, that the bourgeois state is in the nature of the oppression of the majority of the small number of those in power tools, the actual operation of power is dominated legislative and executive power, so it will not be able to avoid the trend over society. In the "Capital" and Manuscripts, Marx started on the internal political economy of bourgeois society's anatomy, that the criteria for freedom and equality of the commodity economy has dominated the capital alienated labor relations, its economic roots in the laws of capitalist ownership, and fetishism This material is the field of relations in the spirit of reflection, which also reveals the bourgeois state and society of modern alienation, "the Sphinx." It's the sign of maturity of "social-State" theory of Marx.Marx's vision is not just the reality of Western Europe. In the "Capital", " Civil war in French " "Critique of the Gotha Program" and other works, he deduced from the logic of the national capital to the social goal of reversion point is "Free People", also from the practice of the Paris Commune see this historical trend, and stressed the need to experience such a reversion, "the first phase of communism" and the "dictatorship of the proletariat" to achieve long-term transition period. In his later years, "notes of the ancient social history", the Marx has critically absorbed by Morgan, Maine, Lubbock works to transform the rational thinking and to reveal the internal contradictions of the national movement born out of society. From the methodological perspective, the state created and reverts to the general laws of social scientific explanation, due to "social organism" On the use, as it will state as part of the community, which can be implemented in the logic state bodiless within the society and eventually reverted to the conclusions of the community. At the same time, Marx has to look toward the east of the world, in " Capital" and the manuscript, he believes that "Asiatic mode of production" contributed to the East patriarchal society and the authoritarian state formation, and the duality of rural communes of the East decided their social relationship with the state's dual structure; his later years he also in "Notes of ancient social history", and to check his reply of Sulic of Russia to retain public ownership of the rural commune of the peculiarities of the East across the capitalist society and state, "Crafting Gorge "possibilities. These new research was enriched "Social-State" theory by Marx.Society and state relations in today's world of "binary opposition" to "positive interaction" from the "State-Civil Society" structure to the "state-market-civil society" structure and the growing internationalization, to what Karl Marx on the social determinants of state, society and state the basic principles of division and reunification. Soviet Union and the socialist society and state relations in the evolution of the rise and fall indicate that the separation between the two is unbridgeable. Since the founding of the Party leading the people to promote the relations between our society and state experienced a gradual separation from the high degree of integration of the changes to the course of the primary stage of socialism in our country's basic situation has not changed, the relationship between the society and state shown the features that both separated from each other, not fundamentally opposite to the harmonious symbiotic relationship. As a consequence, we can use the "standardized relationship between society and state" to design a route of China's reform, that "society" as the direction in sound rule of law, improve the organization, coordination of labor of standardization in the promotion of social and state relations harmony, while the key is the society check and supervision of state power.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Society and State, Social Organism, Civil Society, State Power
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