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A Study On The Relations Between Nation And Society Of Contemporary China In The View Of The Theory Of Civil Society

Posted on:2011-08-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:N S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360305450925Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theory of Civil Society begins to revive since 1980s and has been an important political thinking in the world. The thinking emphasizes that it guarantees legally the separation between the state and the civil society in order to make clear boundaries of them. The aims are to opposite the state to intrude arbitrarily into the intestine affairs of the civil society so as to make sure that the civil society would be a real autonomous field. Just at this time China began to reform and open to the world and since then China has make great progress in economy, culture and politics, meanwhile China has made a good basement for Chinese future political development. At the same time the society structure has changed greatly. We can find that the new social classes and civil organizations are coming into being and the "wholeness state" is coming to the end, and then the civil society is growing in China. Besides these, the political quality of the citizens has enhanced obviously and the basic democracy has developed historically from the cities to countryside. All of these have made a good basement for the development of the Chinese civil society.However, the contemporary Chinese society is still in an important historical turning point and the period of development. With the accelerated pace of modernization, the socialist market economic system, the gradual improvement of the further deepening of political reform, ideology, culture, and so the liberation of the growing prosperity of the people's minds and improve people's material and cultural life, people pay more attention to nation-building and its own interests in the reform and development pattern, thus gradually with the kind of passion to participate in social life and political life. This is for the political development and social harmony provides a challenge and motivation. In contemporary China, how to steadily push forward economic construction, To achieve political democracy and social harmony, so that the reform and opening up the building of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and more deeply rooted among the glow vigor and vitality? This is a time issue. Resolution of these issues is inseparable from human thinking and consciousness, in which people understand how the political parties, state and society is the key, and only increase the citizen's identity in order to integrate and mobilize social forces, to avoid reform and development of the uncertain factors, the smooth realization of the goal. The moment in the academic model of governance of the country have shown great enthusiasm and research interests focus on democratic development, harmonious society built and put forward a lot of ideas, some from a political point of view of civilization, and some from the Deliberative Democracy point of view, some from the perspective of political participation. Some are also from the constitutional point of view, governance and good governance point of view, etc., fruitful research, there is no lack insight, but they are ultimately inseparable from the study to discuss the relationship between state and society. These issues can not be separated for further study and explore the basis for a critical problem that the emergence of civil society in China, development and construction.As everyone knows, modern China's history task is to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The realization of this ideal needs of the continuous progress of the modernization process. As a latecomer-exogenous type modernized country, China's modernization has always been faced with a serious structural challenge:how to transform the traditional political structures and authority patterns, so that a new basis to re-acquire a given legitimacy and the support of social forces, and converted into a modern-oriented political core. The structural challenges resulted in China's modernization dilemma. This is free and order of the tension, and it is to balance the protection of liberty and order dilemma. On the one hand, to avoid the traditional political authority over the loss of social transformation lead to political crises, social unrest and even the full disorder, in order to protect the Government to consolidate social resources and the ability to regulate social order, in order to push forward the modernization to provide a stable and orderly social environment; On the other hand, but also to prevent the transformation of the political authority of the social disorder due to failure or external social constraints and self-alienation to the traditional "reversion" and re-take a high degree of centralization and political despotism of the road has been modified to ensure that the political authority of modernization-oriented expression able to respect and protect the fundamental rights of citizens This has led to the crux of the contradictions of social transformation, which "appears on this history in contemporary polar wandering have evolved as'a place on the chaos, a chaos on the unification, unification dead,'the vicious circle of the core issue is:what should be in what way to look at cognitive China's modernization, the crux of this dilemma, and how to construct, in theory, for China to achieve (including political democratization, including) the modernization of benign structural base."To solve the contradiction between the theory above the crux of building required to modernize the sound from a structural foundation, we must explore the contemporary China's social transformation, this transformation from a traditional society to modern society, then the traditional society under the conditions of the relationship between state and society How to adjust to conduct in order to adapt to this historic change? The purpose of this study is to draw on the theory of civil society and social transformation in China the relationship between state and society, on the one hand theoretical discussion, to be constructed in practice, on the other hand, more importantly, from China's actual conditions, it must be in the China constructed from mature civil society will take time, But we can not ignore the theories of civil society and social relations, the country demonstrated the value of cultural criticism. As a result, the analysis of traditional society, the relationship between state and society based on the proposed construction of the new era of benign interaction, cooperation and win-win relationship between state and society's response.The article first analyzes the theoretical contents of civil society. The theory of civil society in the West has a heavy historical origins, its separation of the state and society, based on different periods have different meanings. Civil society theory, the core issue of the relationship between state and society. In the political history of philosophy, there are two completely different on the relationship between the structure of state and society. First, Locke's "social prior to or outside the state" framework, and second, Hegelian-style "state above the society" framework. Modern theorists of civil society on this basis to further explore this issue, reached a different state and social relations model, However, these models generally also with a strong idealistic colors, they all have their own limitations. As a result, Chinese citizens social theory approach is to build a prominent civic values and rights of a democratic society in order to achieve the state and society interaction.Then, analysis of China's historical evolution and social relations. China is a feudal society has a long history of the country, such a national system for the absolute monarchy system as the fundamental basis of natural economy, people's capacity for social characteristics, forming a homogeneous state and society is isomorphic to the situation, the state submerged of the society; after the founding Because of the high degree of planned economy and a complete set of highly centralized political system, which led to the "planned economy, nationalism." It inevitably leads to a high degree of integration of state and society; reform and opening up, along with the socio-economic areas of public power from the gradual withdrawal of the market's rapid economic development and the gradual depoliticization of social life, the double differentiation of the state and society to begin, Chinese society has entered an important period of historical transformation, China's embryonic civil society began to emerge as China's growing civil society, the state and social relations beginning to show, through case studies the lack of civic awareness, civil society organizations are weak, which led to civil society monitoring of public power have not done enough, so that corruption and the ills of society.Following this, the contemporary transformation of the relationship between state and society in China's "three-dimensional" elements were analyzed. With the reform and opening up step by step, unprecedented in the country as a whole has undergone tremendous changes, this transformation is underscored by the transformation of society, from traditional society to modern society in transition, establish the rule of law and democratic vitality of a modern state and modern society of self-This transformation into target selection and transformation, the task also highlighted the relationship between state and society in the reconstruction above. From China's history, culture and the reality and practical reconstruction of the contemporary transformation of the relationship between state and society in China requires three main components, first, the social latitude. To foster civic awareness and civic spirit as the focus, after "civil society" (the initial stage of civil society) to develop into the "civil society" (a more mature stage); Second, the state (government) dimension. Establish a sense of service, from the all-powerful government toward limited government; three dimensions of the ruling party. Development of the times, straighten out the party, state and social relations, improving the party's ability to govern.To solve the above questions we need to move civil society:to build a harmonious interaction between the state and social relations. China's modernization process of facing a "dilemma" problem, it is necessary to maintain the political authority of the country without return to the "totalitarian," the old, rigid and rigid and do not make social vitality; second is the development of social democracy and the rule of maintaining political legitimacy of the state without losing the necessary authority, lead to social chaos and unrest, to ensure the smooth progress of modernization. Here relates to the existence of an independent and mature civil society issues. This requires a clear role of civil society in China and existing problems. Accurately identify the path of construction, from China's actual conditions bring into full play the national (government), intellectuals, and business and political elite building role of civil society in order to achieve "a strong state ----a strong society" model of the relationship between state and society.Conclusion:through the analysis of the theory of civil society, the relationship between state and society, proposed to build civil society in China need to pass "the citizen society" -- at the primary stage of civil society to the "civil society" -- a mature stage, the final step process to build a "strong country -- strong social" mode, so as to realize the harmonious interaction between state and society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Civil Society, the Relations between State and Society, State, Society, Government
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