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The Research On The Problems Of Executive Ability Of The Basic-level Government In The New Socialist Countryside Construction

Posted on:2013-02-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116330371479364Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The New Socialist Countryside Construction is presented by our party andcentral government on the basis of the accurate judgment of the insufficient of therural economic and social development and the reflection of the defects of theprevious policy measures. It is a very important policy which giving a morereasonable planning for our countryside under the guidance of the more brand-newdevelopment thought and the more comprehensive development, describing a brightand beautiful picture for our countryside. It can be said that this policy will play avery important role in promoting the development of rural political, economic, social,cultural and so on. Currently, the New Socialist Countryside Construction has beencarried out widely in our country. However, how does let the policy to be come trueand achieve the desired effect of the policy, which undoubtedly the main problemshould be faced by the Basic Level Government, meanwhile, will be a greatchallenge to the executive ability of the Basic Level Government. This is becausethat the Basic Level Government plays a very important leading role in the NewSocialist Countryside Construction, so the Basic Level Government inevitablyshould undertake the heavy responsibilities of carrying this policy. So if let the goalsof the policy become true, our Basic Level Government should be have very strongexecutive ability. For a long time,low quality of executive ability and lowadministrative efficiency in our basic level government has become a puzzlingproblem. During implementation of the New Socialist Countryside Construction, theproblem of the insufficient of executive ability is more exposed due to thecomplexity, Complexity and arduousness of the New Socialist Countryside Construction, such as passively treat execution, simplify execution, mechanicalexecution, distort execution and administrative omission, etc.Based on this, this paper uses the basic principle of the formation of theexecution behavior analysis the problems of Executive Ability of the Basic–LevelGovernment in the New Socialist Countryside Construction. On the one hand, as theexecutive subject, the intrinsic factors of the Basic–Level Government and its ownAdministrative Staff are the direct cause of the problems. The level of the quality andability, the state of mind, the value orientation of the executive subject determinesthe high low and The Direction of the Executive Ability of the Basic–LevelGovernment to a great extent. In the Basic–Level Government, the cultural quality ofthe administrative staff is not high, knowledge structure unbalance and knowledgeaging problems, led to the Basic–Level Government's ability shortage and theexecutive ability weaken. Not only that, some of the administrative staff has theunhealthy conditions of the mind in the New Socialist Countryside Construction,such as negative attitude, short of passion, lack of belief, which further restrictedtheir normal execution ability, let alone stimulating their own potential to completethe implementation mission. At the same time, some of the administrative staff hasthe self-benefit motive, which makes them seek their own interests more than thepublic interests of the farmer crowd in the implementation process, or even prejudiceto the public interests of farmer crowd in order to seek their own interests. In thisway, the higher of the executive ability of the administrative staff, the more far awayfrom public interests and the goals of the New Socialist Countryside Construction.On the other hand, some external factors such as the administrative system, theexecutive institution, the executive mechanism, the executive resource and theexecutive environment is also restrict the execution behavior, which further led tothe insufficient execution ability . From the view of the administrative system, thegovernment organization is carved up which make the right and the responsibility ofthe Basic–Level Government is unbalance; at the same time, the lack of corporationin different government department, government overstaffed, unsuitabletransformation of governmental function which is also the reason of the problems of the executive ability of the Basic–Level Government. From the view of the executiveinstitution, the formal institution is not yet perfect and the negative influence of theinformal institution is also influence the rational choice of the behavior of theexecutive subject and further influence the executive ability of the Basic–LevelGovernment. From the view of the executive mechanism, supervisory mechanismand the performance evaluation mechanism is not perfect, the incentive mechanismis reasonable and lack of the administrative accountability mechanism are not easyregular and motivation behavior, led it difficult to make behavior really in favor ofthe goal realization of the New Socialist Countryside Construction. From the view ofthe executive resource, since the Tax Sharing Reform which make the Basic–LevelGovernment fall into the financial crisis, which decreased the ability to providepublic service and goods. At the same time, its own authority resources isinsufficient, which affect understanding and recognition of the masses of farmercrowd in the New Socialist Countryside Construction, which in turn increases thebarriers to execution. And the social resource utilization is not enough, which leadsto the Basic–Level Government not easy free from various cumbersome executiontask and focus time and energy on big things. Not only that, the Basic–LevelGovernment can't reasonable distribution and utilization the limited resources,which make the insufficient resources problem is further enlarged, is also influencethe executive ability of the Basic-Level Government. From the view of the executiveenvironment, the negative factors of the local customs and regulations and thesuperiority group may also become the "stumbling block" in the New SocialistCountryside Construction, which also make the executive ability of the Basic–LevelGovernment not enough.About the resolution of the problems of executive ability of the Basic–LevelGovernment, this paper points out only the systematic solution can be furthesteliminate the problems .At the same time, because of the intrinsic factors of theexecutive subject is the most direct reason, other reasons are the first influence theexecutive subject and eventually affects the executive ability of the Basic–LevelGovernment. Therefore, when we think the solutions of the external factors , we should around how to help solve the inner problems of the executive subject, thiswill make our keep right directions , and ultimately can better achieve the desiredeffect. Based on this, this paper points out that the key of solving the problemsdepends on the good executive subject, so we need to continuously strengthen theircomprehensive quality, cultivate their healthy implementation mindset and makethem establish responsibility consciousness, so as to effectively resolve the negativefactors of executive subject. Not only that, we also need to constantly improve theadministrative system, the executive institution, the executive mechanism and so on,such as rebuild the government organization structure, perfect the supervisorymechanism and the performance evaluation mechanism, in order to create a goodexternal conditions for improving executive ability of the Basic–Level Government.In addition, this paper argues that establishment of cooperative relationship betweenthe Basic–Level Government and the farmer crowd is also very important inimproving the executive ability of the Basic–Level Government.
Keywords/Search Tags:the new socialist countryside construction, basic-level government, the governmental executive ability, executive ability of the basic-level government, the governmental executive
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