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Study On Marx's Thought That People As Masters

Posted on:2013-01-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116330374987496Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx's thought that people as masters is the core, the soul and the essence of Marxism. Theoretically, to study the Marx's thought that people as masters can deepen the understanding of Marxism, provides a theoretical basis for carrying out the scientific development outlook and provides a theoretical support for the Marxism in China. As a result, these can consolidate the guiding status of the Marxism in ideology. Practically, to study the Marx's thought that people are masters can provide guidance to build a harmonious society in China and to build socialism in the other countries, which can help realizing the goal that people as masters in the world, help rebuilding and strengthening the people'faith of the Marxism and help promoting the upsurge of the socialist movement in the world.The basic formation and comprehensive demonstration of that Marx's thought of people as masters roughly experienced four stages. The first stage is the bedding and sprouting period. That is the time of "Rhine daily" and the time before. In this period Marx is affected by from Montreal city's history and social environment as well as the three elders' thought to the idealism thought of the Hagel and young Hagel School, and affected by from the idealism thought to reflect it in the time of "Rhine daily". The second stage is the period of Materialism philosophy foundation and initial formation. That is the period from "criticism of Hagel's law philosophy" to the "Yearbook of Germany and France". In the former book, Marx establishes the Materialism principle that the civil society determines the state by criticizing the Hagel law philosophy and puts forward the advocacy of the people's sovereignty and democracy. In the articles of the "Yearbook of Germany and France", Marx points out that the bourgeois political emancipation is not human emancipation and confers the historical mission of human emancipation to the proletariat. The third stage is the period of the basic formation and comprehensive demonstration. That is the period from the "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of1844" to the "German Ideology". During this period, Marx proofs the thought that people as masters by economics, philosophy, political science and other disciplines, and Marx's thought that people as masters spread out. In the "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of1844", the idea of people as masters gets a preliminary demonstration. In the "Holy Family", Marx criticizes the philosophy of self awareness of the young Hagel School in order to demonstrate the idea of people as masters. The content in the "On the outline of Feuerbach" indicates what Marx describes are the fundamental characteristics of the masters and the way of becoming the masters. The "German Ideology" indicates that historical materialism is born, and the Marx's thought that people as masters is scientifically clarified and argued on the basis of historical materialism. This book is the symbol that Marx's thought that people as masters forms roughly. The forth stage is the further development period, namely the period from the "Communist Manifesto" to the "Critique of the Gotha Program". In the "Communist Manifesto", Marx reveals that people are masters in the social practice, and shows people are masters in value, and Indicates that the Communists should adhere to the thought that people as masters. On reflecting the European Revolution in1848, Marx writes the "French Class Struggle from1848to1850" and the "Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte". In the two books, the Marx's thought that people as masters is enriched and developed furtherly. The "civil war in France" is the summary that the Paris Commune of1871about the practicing of people as masters, and Marx's rich thought that people as masters can be seen from it. Later Marx reiterates the consistent position and thought that people as masters in the "Critique of the Gotha Program". It is the summary and further development of the Marx's thought that people as masters.Marx sees that the minority people have been oppressed and exploited the most people in the long human society, and Marx wants to give an inversion of the inversed society again. Basing on the starting point of people as masters, Marx constructs the thought that people as masters in the criticism. Three parts constitute the main logic system of the Marx's thought that people as masters, which are the profound meaning of people as masters; the specific content of that people as masters in economy, politics, culture, and the benefits; the conditions of that people as masters in economy, politics, and culture. Marx's thought that people as masters points to the goal of people as masters. The human emancipation is the condition of fully realizing the goal of people as master. Marx's thought that people as masters contains critical and constructive unity, value and truth unity. Marx's thought that people as masters achieves the fundamental change from the minority people as masters to the most people as masters and from historical idealism to the historical materialism by inheriting and criticing.Marx's thought that people as masters has great influence and significance. Lenin firstly puts Marx's thought that people as masters into practice, and realizes the people as masters in the Soviet. In the influence of Marx's thought that people as masters, China experiences the sports of revolution, construction and reform, and achieves great success in these sports. In today of increasingly globalizing and before the goal that people as master is not fully realized, Marx's thought that people as masters still has indispensable guidance role to socialist movement in China and the whole world.
Keywords/Search Tags:people, masters, practice, historical materialism
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