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Study On The Security Of The Real-estate Economy And The Government Regulation In China

Posted on:2004-07-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360095960754Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Real estate industry is the support industry of national economy in our country and real estate market is an important part of the market system, so real estate economy closely relates with the development of the whole national economy. That is why the Security of Real Estate Economy should be studied. Because real estate economy is affected by all kinds of external and internal factors and the market mechanism itself has defaults, the security of real estate economic can not be automatic achieved only by market force. Under this precondition, it is a necessary option to regulate real estate economy for protecting the security of real estate economic. That is the background and start of the study.The dissertation, in which the notion of the Security of Real Estate Economy (SREE)is brought forward for the first time, focuses on the factors which influent SREE, including fluctuation of real estate economy, supply and demand in the real estate market, real estate investment and speculation and real estate financing. What's more, it studies the government regulation, including the government regulation system of SREE and inspection and earlier-warning system of SREE. At last, the countermeasure is given.In the study, the analysis methods of economics, management and statistic are used. Especially, the multi -factor statistic method and theoretic modeling method are applied to analyze the issues in real estate economy.The dissertation consists of nine parts, including introduction and other eight parts. It can be divided into three portions in the whole by its framework.The first portion (Introduction) includes study background, development of relevant researches, study objects and relevant notions, study methods, contents and innovations.The second portion (from Chapter One to Chapter Four) studies four factors of SREE and the relationship between each of them and SREE. The factors are fluctuation of real estate economy, supply and demand in the real estate market, real estate investment and speculation and real estate financing.The third portion (from Chapter Five to Chapter Nine) study the relationship between SRES and the government regulation. Chapter Five demonstrates the necessity of government regulation. Charter Six constructs the frame of the Government Regulation System, which consists of its target, organization, tools and content. Charter Seven studies the earlier-warning system of SRES, focusing on its indexes system and method of early warning. Chapter Eight gives the counter-revolution for SREE.
Keywords/Search Tags:real estate economy, security, government regulation
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