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On Engels' Contribution Upon The Doctrine Of Marxian Party

Posted on:2004-10-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360122495016Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Engels played an important and particular role in the history of the Marxian Party, he was an expert on the problem of the proletarian, the univerzal leader of the proletarian movement, the Pioneer of the theory struggle and the advisor and tutor of the construction of the Party.During the period of 1842 to 1844 in Mancherster, based on the British flourished democracy and the politics of the developed party, Engels formed systematically his early knowledge on the Party issue.Engels' knowledge on the development law of the proletarian Party included the following four aspects. Firstly, Proletarian Party is the product of the combination of Scientific Communist Movement and the proletarian movement. Secondly, only when the Proletariat formed an independant Party; can he act as a class. Thirdly, there were two foundmental forms for a proletarian party, international and national Party. Finally, it was during the period of the inner struggle that the Prole tarian Party develeped constantly.Engels paid great attention to the platform of the Party. He was among the frist pioneers who participated working out the first programme for the communist Party. During the period of 1860s and 1870s, he struggled against Lassallism and Duringism in theory. In the last years of his life, Engels firmly fought against all kinds of opportunisms and made immortal contribution in safeguarding the scientific communist platform of the party.In the organizational construction, Engels always held the views that the proletarian Party could have the right to write down the word of democracy in its platform in public. In the book of Charters for communist Auiance himself, Engels firmly established the democratism as the fundamental guide rule for the organization conctruction of the Party, and his works of On Authority safeguarded this rule from the aspect of the unifying and concentration leader ship and the disciplinesof the Party.In the construction of working style, Engels emphasized greatly that actuality is Marxist starting point, that criticism is the critical element for the Proletarian movement and that the masses is the force resource for the Proletarian Party. Only with these mentioned, can the Proletarian Party be indefectible.This essay holds the view that the thoughtful construction of the Party possesses the most important and essential sense in Engels' systematic thoughts of the Proletarian Party construction .The lesson that the Social democrat Democratic Party turned into the parliament party from a revolutionary Party and the cost that the communist Party of U.S.S.R paid out during the course of procession from a revolutionary party to a powerul party, illusfrate from the oppsite side that the thoughful construction is the caux and essence of the construction of the Communist Party. The Third Leading Group of the Chinese Commiunist Party always lays great emphasis on the thought constuction and this has become an unlackable effective weapon that makes the Party of Chinese Communist Party become big and lusty constantly and help to obtain one victory from another.
Keywords/Search Tags:Engels, Marism, Doctorine on the Communist Party, Contribution
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