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Economic Theory Of Justice

Posted on:2005-04-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H HeFull Text:PDF
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一Justice has perpetual significance in human society. It is the basic value pursuit and normal behavior of people. In a certain sense, the process of pursuing value in human society is the process of development of human society from unenlightened to flourishing, and from irrationality to rationality. Economy Justice is an important content and manner of justice theory, and it is a big issue gradually appearing in the course of modern social economic development. In the ancient and pre-modern times, although Aristotle, Hume, Smith.A, Muller etc, all have explored the problems of economic justice, they have studied it separately. In modern times, economic justice has been put forward again and again, which has profound background: the economic relationship has become an important reigning power of social development, and social structure turns from the interaction of politics and economy to the whole interaction mainly surrounding politics and economy, which is the social background. The theoretic background is economy and ethics, instrumental reason and value reason, are all going from separation to integration, so the reason of human being obtains favor again. The era background is the damage of unilateral orientation of economic development, and the social injustice emerges in the field of economy.Economic justice reflects the relationship of human beings in the development of economy. It is the rational judgment to the complex relationship of the purpose, process, means, results embodying in the activity and development of economy. Same as political justice and the other justice theory, the main character of economic justice is regularization. Its purpose is studying on social justice from institution and system, displaying the human pursuit of economy. It is vital important to research on economic justice for establishing just social economic system, and promoting the full development of human being.二 The essence of economic justice lies in the content of economy. As a complex social system, the basic content of economy consists of three aspects: as an entity---the institution and system of economy; as an idea----economic thought, and as an activity--- economic behavior of the economic subject. Correspondingly, economic justice mainly manifests in the institution and activity of economy.Economic justice firstly embodies in the essence of ethics of economic institution and system, and in the reflection and evaluation of economic institution and institutional justice. Any system especially economic system embodies in the pursuit of efficiency, but it is not the only value dimension of economic system. To testify the validity of economic system requires not only efficiency, but also requires moral ethical rationality, thus the social choice of economic institution and formulation has plenty of proper reasons and universal effects. The economic institutional justice includes two sides: one is economic institutional justice itself; the other is the running of institutional justice. It is unites of form justice and essential justice. On the one hand, economic institutional justice is an essential justice containing the aspects of "what" and "why" in economic activity; on the other hand, the running of economy institution is another form of justice, which relates the justice of "how to do it", requires the similar solution to similar situation, different proposal to different instance, and make the essential justice carrying out all the time. In the development of economy, economic institutional justice not only provides ethical vindication, but also promotes the transformation and innovation of economic institution. It is just through criticizing and evaluating the realistic economic institution, economic institution has acquired constant transformation and development. Economic justice goes with the whole process of economic activity. Generally speaking, economic activity consists of such steps as production, exchange, distribution, consumption, etc. Correspondingly, economic justice manifes...
Keywords/Search Tags:Justice, Economy, Economy justice
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