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Modern Logistics And Urban Agglomerations Coordinated Economic Development

Posted on:2006-12-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360155460527Subject:Population, resource and environmental economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The acceleration of urbanization is the strategic task for China's economic and social development. In the evolutionary process of China's urbanization, various resource elements present brand-new features in terms of spatial agglomeration and diffusion. Particularly, the emergence and development of three city clusters, namely, the Yangtze Delta, the Zhujiang Delta and the area rounding the Bohai Sea, has been the significant growth point for the whole national economy, playing the leading role in the economic growth of China. Therefore, an important issue bearing China's national economic and social development occurs. That is to explore how to strengthen the overall motive power of such three regions so as to optimize resources in the three city clusters and achieve more efficient output. However, long time of regionalism accounts for the fact that cities always regard administrative prefecture as the basic unit for the organization of regional economic development, which results in many problems of "district economy", such as industrial isomorphism, repeating construction, vicious competition and so on. Hence, in accordance with the view of scientific development, it is urgent and essential to research the factors which promote the harmonious development of city clusters so as to propel the division and cooperation among cities in city clusters. As a new-emerging technology for organizing and managing resource elements, modern logistics has been widely adopted worldwide. Practice proves that the development of logistics can boost the reasonable flow of production factors effectively so as to optimize the spatial collocation of resources. Based on above backgrounds, the paper starts with such a characteristic of logistics and analyzes the acting mechanism of logistics to spatial agglomeration of resource elements. Taking that as analyzing tool, it attempts to seek the way to the intensification of harmonious economic development of city clusters. Then, it explicates the contributions which logistics makes to city clusters and conducts an empirical study on the Yangtze Delta city cluster to demonstrate the interaction between the economic growth of city clusters and the development of logistics.It has following six chapters:Chapter One is an introduction. It presents the research background of the paper...
Keywords/Search Tags:city agglomeration, harmonious development, modern logistics, factor spatial agglomeration
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