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Research On The Process Of Modern Ideological And Political Education

Posted on:2005-03-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360182965791Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theory of process of Ideological and Political Education (PIPE) is one of the basic and core theories of Ideological and Political Education. It explores the essence and rules of PIPE, and discusses the basic principles of PIPE, providing a scientific theoretic foundation for confirming the content, guideline, principle, way and means of Ideological and Political Education, etc. Which has theoretical and practical significance on the study of PIPE. The theory helps to enrich the basic theoretic system of Ideological and Political Education, to make advance to Ideological and Political Education, to enhance the effect of Ideological and Political Education, and to give a scientific theoretic foundation for the practice of Ideological and Political Education.Based on the studies of both abstract and concreteness, of history and reality, with Marxism as the guiding rule, this article reviews the history of the development of PIPE, and analyses the PIPE from three perspectives: culture philosophy, communication philosophy and development philosophy, as well as puts forward the ontological practice as the base-point of theory of PIPE. The article further elaborates the meaning, characteristics and the essence of PIPE, and analyses the course of PIPE, reveals the contradictions and laws of PIPE, and tries to reform the theory system of PIPE. The following are the major issues covered:â… , Introduction briefly analyses the significance of researching on the PIPE and its present situation in research as well as its train of thought.â…¡ ,In order to research PIPE at a higher jumping-off point than ever, the dissertation reviews the Western and ancient Chinese theories and experiences of process of moral education, and Marxist thought about PIPE.â…¢,The article interprets the goal, content, course, development mechanism of PIPE from three perspectives: culture philosophy, communication philosophy, development philosophy. 1, From the angle of culture philosophy, the content and function of PIPE is emphasized (stressed).The meanings of culture include static and dynamic culture. Accordingly the relations between PIPE and moral culture have two forms: state and process. From the angle of static culture, PIPE is a course of imparting, propagating and creating moral culture; from the angle of dynamic culture, PIPE is man's creating action of pursuing "good", promoting the form of man and static moral culture is its basic function. 2, From the angle of communication philosophy, the method of existence and mode of course is emphasized. In the view of communication philosophy, PIPE is a course of communication, and the intercourse among subjects is stressed. The goal of PIPE is achieved by establishing the intercourse mechanism. 3, From the angle of development philosophy, the ultimate goal and the course state of PIPE are stressed. The category of sustainable development is the core category of PIPE. Realizing the sustainable development of PIPE itself and moral nature of subject is the underlying value tropism of modern PIPE.â…£,The article takes practice of Ideological and Political Education as the philosophical base of PIPE. Practice category has more scientific and abundant significance than process category. Besides variability, practice category has the nature of development, creation,transcending. If we research on the course about human beings, we have to base on practice. The establishment of the foundation of Ideological and Political Education practice can help our research on PIPE from experiment to theory. In essence, PIPE is the evolvement and development of practice of Ideological and Political Education. Only based on practice, can we clearly explain the meanings, characters, course, contradictions and laws of PIPE, as well as expurgate some problems which are not so clear and often controversial.V ,The article defines the meaning of modern PIPE, analyses the particular characters of modern PIPE: humanness, transcend, openness, harmony and endogenesis, and points out that bringing up the subject of Ideological and Political is the essence of PIPE.VI, The article deals with the course of modern PIPE. Based on distinguishing all kinds of factors of the system of Ideological and Political Education from several angle of view, analyzing the key link of the course of PIPE, emphasizing the intrinsic foundation of the intercourse between teachers and students, the article attempts to point out the start-point of the: development of this intercourse trending to the direction that it's propitious to realize the goal of education.VD, The article discusses the contradiction system of modern PIPE, pointing out the inaccuracy farformer research on the contradiction system of modern PIPE, and dividing the modern PIPE into three levels with the method of unification of process dialectic and system dialectic: l,the contradiction between PIPE and external circumstances; 2,the contradictions of PIPE are the unity of opposites among all sub-systems of PIPE. The unity of opposites of sub-system of instruction (including education subject, education content, education method, and all factors of the course of executing education) and sub-system of reception (mainly the reception subject himself) is the basic contradiction of PIPE; 3, the contradictions during the development of Ideology and moral of subject itself. To an educator, it is mainly the contradiction between the role of society requisition and the nature of subject himself. To a student, it is mainly the contradiction between the Ideology and moral request of teacher who is on behave of society and the nature of the subject himself.VI, The article explores the law system of modern PIPE. Through distinguishing law and law's valuable use, this article points out some misunderstandings in the research on the laws of PIPE, and explains the law system of PIPE from a new angle of view. The laws of PIPE includes: 1, not only PIPE is affected and restricted by external circumstance, but also plays a dynamic role in reforming the circumstance.2, PIPE windingly develops in the change of balance and unbalance of education system and reception system by turn. It includes: The reception of Ideological and political education is droved by the intrinsic need of students; the effect of Ideological and political education is dominated by the ability of the subject; the effect of Ideological and political education is affected by education media. 3, individual's ideology and moral circuitously develops in the contradictions between social requirements and the subject's nature. It includes: both education and self-education exist at the same time; the unity of opposite of education and self-education; internal thought and external behavior play an exemplary role by turn.
Keywords/Search Tags:process of modern Ideological and Political Education, practice, character, course, contradiction
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