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Cooperation And The Collision

Posted on:2009-07-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Among all the important phenomena in international politics, alliance is the one of significance, and its theory attracts great attention. The People's Republic of China, as an important member of the international system, has experienced a special and complex diplomatic alliance with other socialist countries, which is rarely studies by the academia.This dissertation, based on the practice of diplomatic alliance between China and other socialist countries, attempts to put forward a brand-new analytical framework and theoretic basis in this regard, namely,"Paradoxical Alliance"and"Contradiction Theory". The paper, building on the overall grasp of the phenomenon, conducts research in its definition, foundation and premise, operation and management, value and effectiveness, and holds that the alliance between China and other socialist countries clearly manifests the"Paradoxical"effect; that is, the factors facilitating the forming and consolidation of the alliance becomes the causes deteriorating the relation. The three factors are, ideology, national security, and domestic matters.The theoretic basis of the"Paradoxical"phenomenon is the"Contradiction Theory". Chinese communists tend to view and deal with many important matters in a dialectical way, which offers China with great flexibility in handling the cooperation and conflict in alliance; however, meanwhile, the disadvantages of alliance are enlarged and intensified, which makes China present itself as stubborn and rigid, and accelerates the disintegration of the alliance.With the construction of the analytical model of"Paradoxical Alliance", this dissertation gives insight into the manner and the form of alliance between China and other socialist countries, thus testifying the relevant hypothesis and the feasibility of the exploitation of the"Contradiction Theory"to explain China's diplomacy of alliance. Although the effect of paradox varies from country to country, but generally the analytical framework and theoretic basis prove well-established.This dissertation holds that the alliance between China and other socialist countries is the result of specific historical stage. The nature of Cold War has constrained and influenced the strategic choice of diplomacy of China, and gives ideology and security issues great concern. With the end of Cold War and the disintegration of socialist alliance, China will not repeat the past. Nevertheless, with the deep reflection on the alliance, China could learn a lot of valuable experience and lessons to better seize the essence of the current"partnership"diplomatic strategy , and better safeguard China's national interests and the world peace and development.
Keywords/Search Tags:alliance diplomacy, paradoxical alliance, Chinese diplomacy
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