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The Ruling Party Resources Development And Utilization Of Research

Posted on:2009-04-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360272471471Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The history of party development is just about the history of party transformation. Any transformation of party is caused by two factors: the objective environment transformation and the subjective consciousness awakening. From resource science perspective, the process of party transformation is that the part continuously utilize and uses all sorts of immaterial and physical factors, which can provide effective supports for achieving political target of the party, while the sum of immaterial and physical resources constitutes the governing resources of the party. The basic object of party organization is mastering political power and the governing competence is mostly influenced by the quality, quantity and the level of resource utilization. With the dramatic changes of the times, how does the party make the most use of governing resources to get long governance? These are the main concerns of this study.The essay is the primary study about the governing resources of the party, which is included in the study of governing theory of the party. The purpose is to grasp the laws concerning party governance, to strengthen governing competence of the party, and to serve for the practice of the party. Depending on the perspective of resource science, organization science and politics, this study makes a comprehensive research about the question of governing resources of the party using theoretical analysis, historical analysis, comparative analysis, structure-function analysis and systematic analysis. The essay is composed of six chapters: the first part is the introduction, the next three chapters provide a deep-seated discussion about the basic problems concerning the governing resources of the party and the process of resource utilization by the dynamic and static perspective, the fourth chapter mainly discusses the case study about the governing resources of the Communist Party of China, and the last part is the conclusion about the study. On the basis of analyzing these theories, this study puts forwards and expounds on the following opinions:1. The governing resources of the party refer to the sum of immaterial and physical factors, which can provide effective supports for achieving political targets of the party. It also means during the time that the party governs the country, all the useful factors for the party obtained from the country and society can be concluded to the content of governing resources. The principal part of governing resources is the party organization, and the legitimacy is the essential aim of utilizing the governing resources of the party. The stability of governing basis, the soundness of governing status and the achievement of governing object depend on the utilization of governing resources of the party.2. The organization resources, history resources and ideology resources are the primary parts of governing resources of the party, which is the central status in the system of governing resources of the party. The symbol of governing status is the master of power resources of the country and power resources are the most important resources with no substitute. Economy resources, society resources and culture resources are gained from the civil society, which are the fundamental position among the governing resources. They are not only the soils that shape the party resources and the state power resources, but also the objects that party organization resource and national power resource play the role about. All the governing resources, which are significant for party survival and development, for the success of party politics, and for the future and destiny, are important and scarce.3. The process of using governing resources of the party contains two aspects. On one side, it is the course of energy release about the party, which can play the most role about organization resources, history resources and ideology resources of the party. On the other side, it is also the course of effective utilization and reasonable disposition of other resources that existed in the external environments from the party, such as power resources, economy resources, system resources, society resources and culture resources. The basic intention of exploiting and utilizing resources is to satisfy the demand that the party governs the country and operate itself successfully. The value is the production of legitimacy resources through systematic cultivation and utilization of all sorts of resources. The legitimacy resources are implemental governing resources as well as intentional resources. They belong to the stock-limited resources because of their rarest character; therefore the scale and reproduction ability are important to the governance of the party. Every party not only needs the rational constructivism legitimacy but also the empiricism legitimacy, moreover, to be the state of reconstruction legitimacy. In conclusion, revolutionary change about the exploiting and utilizing the governing resources is the precondition of party politics development.4. The governing resources of the party are a whole which is composed of different factors. It can be divided into different types according to different standards. From the perspective of function, the governing resources of the party can be divided into foundation resources, operation resources and security resources. From the perspective of process consumption resources, governing resources of the party can be divided into processing resources, implement resources and resources production. From the perspective of renew, the governing resources can be divided into stock-limited resources and flow-limited resources. From the perspective of content, the governing resources can be divided into economics resources, politics resources and culture resources. Rarity and importance differ in different resources in the system of the governing resources. Furthermore, the crucial resource that is considered by the party is uncertain, for the reason the decision of the party depends on the different history condition. The concept about the governing resources of the party is complicated, and it has scientific character and political character. The governing resources possess the nature of validity and scarcity, and have obvious nature of absolute renewable character and relative non-renewable character. Moreover, there are other characters about the governing resources, like the nature of class character and public character. The governing resources are not only reusable, but also constructive. The last primary character is the combination of the part and the whole.5. The positive correlation between the degree of party institutionalization and the capability of exploiting and utilizing governing resources of the party. The party institutions in all areas considered as processing resources are not only the mark about the level of party institutionalization, but also the important implements that deal with the governing resources. Then, the efficiency of the whole governing resources system is related with the degree about the institutionalization of the input, processing and output of governing resources, moreover, they are also crucial to scientific operation level, the whole process is based on the degree of party institutionalization. In order to save the cost for exploiting the governing resources and reduce the expenditure for using the governing resources, the party that have high level of institutionalization can effectively accelerate to formulate and establish regulations and policies by the stability and reliability of institution themselves, which can save the cost for exploiting the governing resources and reduce the expenditure for utilizing the governing resources. Institutions construction is basic, total and strategic for the governing resources of the party.6. The party is a typical organization and its change is the result affected by the environment. However, the process is worked by the exchange among the different resources. The party transformation itself, whether is caused by the party own, or is compelled by the environment change, and no matter is affected by the inner reason or the external reason, is the result that the party adapts itself to the environment and changes the environment. What's more, the process is complicated with the exchange among the different resources. Ultimately speaking, any transformation of the party firstly meets the demand for the environment, and then is just the beginning of environment change by the adjusting of target, function and action of the party. The exchange relation between the party and environment becomes an integrative political biology chain. The chain concludes three steps: the first step is that the party accommodates himself to environment for existing; the second step is that party transformation is affected by environment change, and the third step is that party transformation makes more optimization of environment. For governing resources of the party, every change about environment is a startup of party transformation, and then every new outcome of the product of governing resources leads development to the direction that avails the party. During this time, the construction about governing resources of the party is mixed with the process about the party transformation. What's more, exploiting and utilizing governing resources of governing party have the same step with the process that party obtains governance status and strengthens governance capability.7. For all parties, the most important target is to master the power of the state, but there is a "degree" of exploiting power resources in governing condition. If the party does not abide by the principle, the operation of the party to the power resources not only damages the rights of other factors, but also affects the governance capability of the party due to monopoly for power. Abusing power for party not only conduces failure to construction of governing resources, but also brings on other factors losing the conception about the power resources. The transformation from utilizing state power resources to utilizing public right resources is the only way for the modernization of utilization of state power resources.8. The dependence on utilizing the governing resources for party differs in variable conditions, because it is not only decided by the party nature and party experience, but is decided by state political structure and operative model. The Communist Party of China is different from other parties with the manner that how to obtain the governing status, the aim that how to strengthen the governing capability, and the problem that meets during the governing times. The governing resources belonging to the Communist Party of China have the particularity on content and emphasis. It supplies lots of history resources and legitimacy for the Communist Party of China by the way the Communist Party exists in China, which the state was founded by the Party. The political system is that the Communist Party of China is the leader for the whole country and the government in China gives the Party enough reasons and motility to exploit the governing resources. The Communist Party of China not only effectively integrates the party organization resources, but also uses the governing power alone. The most important status is made by the special party system in China, as you know the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC is one of the basic systems in China. Because there is the custom in traditional Chinese culture that keeps Chinese nation unity, the ideology resources are considered as the most important resources in governing resources for being a leader to other resources. For Chinese, political powers mean fortune and station in the society, so the power resources hugely attract the attention of the party. With Chinese basic reality—the low level of social production, the CPC has to try his best to promote economic growth for obtaining the legitimacy. However, a great abundance of organization resources and a mature plan of exploiting the organization resources are the advantage to the CPC. All the condition provides the CPC with enough convenience to exploit the governing resources, brings new demands to the CPC for strengthening the governing capability, and at the same time makes the CPC rise to challenges for speeding up modernization of using the governing resources. 9. This is a strategic choice the CPC has to make in light of the development trend of the times, systems and backgrounds. It concerns about appearance of new resources and resets new emphasis form of the governing resources. The world today is undergoing extensive and profound changes, and contemporary China is going through a wide-ranging and deep-going transformation. The CPC can't avoid making mistakes when exploiting and using the governing resources, and also can't escape to meet the development of the new resources. At the same time, the different theories and methods that used in analyzing and using the governing resources differ from conditions that the governing resources exist. Therefore, how to use governing resources regularly is related with the capability of party development, party administration, and party governance. In conclusion, the construction of governing resources of the party is comprehensive standards that test the party governance capability. This kind of test is from microscopic to macroscopic perspective, from strategic and concrete perspective, from the current to the long-term, multi-level and Omni-directional.
Keywords/Search Tags:the party, governing resources of the party, exploit and utilize
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