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The Diffusion Of International Norms: Socialization And Localization

Posted on:2009-08-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360275454665Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Norms and norm-related issues have always been the core issues in political studies. However, the thriving of behaviorist theories of international relations in America results in the academic swerve-away from researches on norms and norm-related issues. And with the rise of Constructivism, researches on international norms have not only returned, but also become one of the most prosperous areas in theories of international relations.This dissertation focuses on the diffusion process of international norms. The aims of this research are as follows: Firstly, discuss about the two possibilities of the diffusion of international norms: socialization and localization. This dissertation recognizes the function of agency in the diffusion of international norms, and contends that the diffusion of international norms may result in either the internalization of international norm via socialization, or the adaptation and reconstitution of international norm via localization. Secondly, in studying the diffusion process of international norms, this dissertation seeks to explore the complementarities between rationalism and constructivism, instead of emphasizes the antagonism between them, as well as the mechanisms based on rationalism and constructivism that lead to socialization and localization respectively. Thirdly, scope conditions for socialization and localization of international norms are investigated, and the counteractive effects of norm's localization on the international normative order are analyzed.The socialization of international norms is the process of conducting national actors to the international norms and rules. Socialization is a process, and its end product is the internalization of norms, but there are various levels of internalization. Causative mechanisms such as material incentive, social influence, role play as well as persuasion all contribute to the actors'internalization of international norms. Factors in the four aspects, including the features of the norm entrepreneur, the characteristics of the norm taker and the norm taker's political regime, the features of the issue area and the norm, the features of the interaction between the norm entrepreneurs and the norm taker, decide whether a particular norm can be internalized by the actor via socialization mechanisms.The localization refers to the local actors'active reconstitution of international norms via mechanisms such as framing, transplantation, argument, which results in the consistence between the foreign norm and the local norm. Local actors take the initiative in this process and the end product is the hybrid of the original norm. The localized norm does not change or eliminate the local idea and traditional practice. Instead, it enhances the prestige and status of the local actors and the local norm.This dissertation investigates the diffusion of common security norm in the case study, and compares socialization of common security norm among the countries in the Pan-Europe and its localization among ASEAN countries. The norm of common security originates in Europe, and includes the following elements: Firstly, it rejects the security by means of balance of power and contends the real security can only be achieved with the enemy, instead of against the enemy; Secondly, multilateralism should be adopted to manage the security dilemma; Thirdly, it advocates the idea of comprehensive security and calls for the inclusion of economic, social and environmental security as well as military security; Fourthly, a link should be established between national, regional and international security. The diffusion of the common security norm mitigates the hostility between the West and the East, and leads to the end of the Cold War in a certain degree. It also contributes to the establishment of various security mechanisms including the CBM, arm-control and preventive diplomacy and conflict resolution in Europe.The success of common security norm in Europe causes some countries to try to copy it among ASEAN countries, but meets with the cold reception due to different identities, historical experiences and local norms. Only after the elimination of some elements that are in conflict with the core values of the local norm——nonintervention and the ASEAN way, and the futher reinterpretation and reconstitution of the international norm, a new hybrid of the common security norm, namely, cooperative security norm receives recognition of the ASEAN countries.Chinese scholars should draw insights from the research on localization of international norms in their efforts of establish a Chinese school of international relations theory. The core issue for Chinese scholars is how China can integrate into the international society in a peaceful way. However, this integration should not be one way, that is, china should not just accept and adapt to the international system without its independent will. China also needs to exert its influence on the international system. In this process, localized norms can be better understood and accepted by the international society, for it embraces both the discourse and logic of the current international system, and the cultural and historical traits from China. In this way, it is easier for China to exert its influence on the international system.
Keywords/Search Tags:International Norm, Socialization, Localization, Common Security, Cooperative Security
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