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Service-oriented Government Of Urban Growth Management Study

Posted on:2010-11-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360302457700Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urban Growth Management drew the government of developed country's attention since 1970s and the scholars started to conduct research on this area. As the economy is developing faster and faster, Urban Growth Management has become an unavoidable issue which should be researched theoretically and practically both in mainland China and Taiwan.The rapid economical growth for the past forty in Taiwan has reputed by the world, But the worse quality of environment of urban and metropolitan is still criticized by many peoples. There are 77% of 23,000,000 populations that reside at the 12% land of urban area. Urbanization and modernization result to destroy the environment of beautiful and ecological landscape. The issues of urban growth management are the most important part in Taiwan. It is necessary to in-depth study how to control the direction of Urban Growth Management, how to solve the urban growth contradiction, how to define the interest groups and their responsibilities during the period of urban growth, and how to build a series of system and evaluation models to protect scarce resources, to evaluate urban ecosystem scientifically. This research is not only of great importance to mainland China and Taiwan, but also benefits the worldwide research in this area.This dissertation is based on the background mentioned above and the review of Service Government, Urban Growth Management theory and the Sustainable Development theory. First, it intensive studies four urban contradictions during the period of urban growth which may cause destruction to the environment. They are contradiction between environmental protection and economy development, contradiction between shortage of water resources and rapid urban growth, contradiction between land use and investment on infrastructure and contradiction between the urban standardized model and characteristic. Second, this dissertation studies the crucial problem of urban growth management from the aspects of spatial distribution, urban economy density and urban pattern. It also studies the urban growth management interest groups and their roles, missions and responsibilities from the aspects of government, community organization and urban residents. In addition, this dissertation puts forward the performance index system of Urban Growth Management through the research on ecosystem, performance of economy and modernization degree. Centering on the contents and conclusions of this dissertation, the case study is conducted on five cities in developed countries.The innovation of this dissertation can induct to the following three aspects.The first is that it mentions the four urban growth contradiction: environment protection and economic development,rapidly growth and resources insufficient,land use and infrastructure investment,construction models and construction characteristc.It investigates not only closely analyzing every contradiction but also indicating every cuntradictions to conflict.The second is that on the basis of analyzsing modern urban growth management, it introduces three core problems of urban management:urban arrangement,urban density and urban pattern. It also mentions the three interest organization and urban population and investigates the management responsibility and mission of the three groups in the process of urban management. The third is that it applies the above two research results and closely combines the implementation of urban management, then it mentions three aspects of evaluating system:economic,ecological supporting system,urban modernization and designs every dimentions and indicator.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Growth Contradiction, Space Structure, Growth Shareholder, Urban Pattern, Economy Density
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