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Private Compulsory Education In Functional Studies

Posted on:2012-04-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T H YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117330338955536Subject:Public Finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mr. DENG XIAO PING first determinad guide policy of priority development education, introduced strategy ideology bisic on education in 1977. Extent of education direct determines raising of national stuff and formation of human resource. Our national education career had evidence improvement nine years oblication education has been popularized in the all of districts, enrollment rate has evidence raising, enrollment rate of academy degree raised year another year after the Reform and Opening. Our national reform of education constitution acquire evidence result.But the configuration contradiction still is evidence in the our national education development. For example, undergraduate find difficult a jobs because the colleges enroll more people. Though nine years oblication education has been popularized "select school" still occuers bacause lacking quality education resourse. The target of ehd B. C.20 still doesn't realize. This target education finance spending is 4% of GDP.The important contradiction is fair division education resourse in the currently years. Our national principle of enter school is "nearly principle".This principle looks fair so much. But this principle brings actuality a lot of question.First, the quantity of income and wealth of our national resident gradual change becouse market economy development. Resident of difference income and wealth require dafference type education. Resently oblocation education resourse doesn't supply difference require of a lot of parrents.This phenomena inccurs "select school" and "spending of select school".The data proves:the people above evenness income level, expend more than others to themselves child for the education.The people of high income and high position bring a children into the "good school" by themself "relationship" and "special channel" and occupy a quality education resource.Secand, the target and system of our national education injury fairly division of oblication education. Though a lot of district of our nation already finish nine years oblocation,but all schools cant offer satisfactive education resource to a parrents. I realized from education bureau of AN SHAN that a lot of school cant hire satisfactive teachers because human resource bureau lacates all teachers in the LIAO NING district. A lot of school have no independence power and they cant gain satisfactive teachers. So the situation injuries efficiency of resource location.Third, the government has no passitive to supply a oblication education bacause a oblication education has a public goods character and standers of our nation test a officer. The local government has more interesting to supply a public goods like basic establishment because obligation education needs a more capital and time.Basic upwords true,I think:development private education is best way. The way can resolve questions.The question includesrthe government supplies smaller oblication education and oblication education resourse unfair locates. Our national private education is agility, it has evidence private characters. The private education setups courses depend on interesting of students and difference require of parrents. Meanwhile a lot of private school has a director commetment and schoolmaster answer for director commetment. Basic this submit substitute relationship education arragement and daily management have more efficience than public school. In the prictice way,a private education is carrier of private capital and it will be availability supplement of public education.In the socialism market economy way, difference properties accept a rationalization of private education. Other specislists think, private education constructs other education channel.It injuries fair character of oblication education. All children must accept same quality oblication education. In 2006《Law of oblication education of P. R. C》. regulates:all children of P. R. C share a right of fair accept oblication education absent gender, folk, phyle, property,religion. This law just regulates fair right of accept oblication education, this law doesn't regulate the same result of accept pblication education. Ever child cant accept same quality oblication education depand on our national davelopment dugrre of our national economy and education. This understanding is parochialism, It doesn't accord the situation of a country of P. R.C.In a law aspect way, "select school" and "spending of select school" doesn't injury《Oblication education law of P. R. C》. In a economy aspect way. It injuries Parreto improve. Optimize resource division is important key of this paper. This paper analysises resently situation of our national oblication education and tries to resolve all question.First, this paper analysised that difference principals supply oblication education, I analysis "exchange spending" as breaching and supplemently prove that development private education to improve the situation of difficult enter school. This paper includes three parts:forword a question, analysis a question,finish a question.A part of forword question includes:first this paper defines goods attribute of oblication education, confirms dividing the work of a private and a government. Sencand, in the background of difference require of oblication education, more deeply research goods character of oblication education after analysis priciple of consume—benefit. I think that a private education is "public goods".This special goods character is theory proof of difference principals supply a oblication education.A part of analysis question includes:in aspect of a oblication education spending system. I analysis our national finance decentralization system and characters of official test,combine common goods characters of oblication education. I find the reason of our nation lack a spending of oblication education. This true a situation of the country inccurs lacking of education resource and unfair of education resource locates.A part of finish question:a development typies of oblication education of development and developmengting countries have together characters. They development a private education to resolve the question.Exchange spending of private education is smaller than public education.Scale effects can reduce produce cost, but exchange spending depended on management made and system facters. A public education cant reduce exchange spending. Secand, a development of private education fair divided resource of obligation education, reduced Gini coefficient of oblication education.
Keywords/Search Tags:public goods, Gini coefficient of education, exchange spending
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