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Tendency To Reform: The Study Of Ecology Of School Culture In Social Transformation

Posted on:2004-09-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360092495004Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today, the schooling in China is going through a profound transformation. It is an essential transformation of the culture and the ecology culture paradigm in schools, which is a fundamental change of the way teachers and students exist.The dissertation has been done on the grand background of social transformation in China & reflection upon culture in thought field. The dissertation is based on such methodologies as philosophy, culture, ecology and crossing sciences, combined theory thoughts with demonstration research, and other methods, like that of literature, investigation and study on-the-spot and so on. The main topic of the dissertation is the theory and practice of the ecology of the culture in schools in the time of social transformation. According to the universality of the theory of ecology & the ecology nature of culture in schools, the dissertation set forth the ecology attribute of culture in school; the educational paradigm, educational ideal, criterion of educational organizing, the form of educational activities and the spirit of school are discussed in the dissertation in the way of historical tense & present common tense. We have pointed out the significance of the research of the ecology of the culture of school in dimensions of theory and practice and made a precondition & rationality justification in order to construct a new ecology of the culture of schools. On the basis of that, the crisis and the problems of the ecology of the culture in schools are discussed originally in the dissertation.We have pointed out in the dissertation that the culture consciouness of the school is demanded in order to build up a healthy ecology of the culture in schools in the school reform during social transformation. We need to cohere " life梒reation梩aste" school culture spirit in the construction of benign school culture ecology.
Keywords/Search Tags:social transformation, transformation of school, ecology of the culture in school, educational paradigm, ideal of education, life.
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