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On The Combination Of The University Of Humanities Education And Science Education

Posted on:2004-06-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360095451276Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation presented the evolvement course of the relation between humanistic education and science education in western university by historical reflection, discussed the inevitability, necessity and possibility of the combination of humanistic education and science education from angles of view of the subjective structure and the theory of knowledge, and also hackled the ideas of the combination of both. Then it put forward some viewpoints by grasping the characteristics of history and actuality of the relation of both.The history of western higher education indicates that liberal education virtually is the combination of humanistic education and science education, and general education is the modern pattern, which is the extension of the idea of liberal education. Humanistic education is the foundation stone of western higher education, it always links with general education, and its development puts up definite time characteristic. The humanities are foundations of humanistic education, but are not in all, the core mission is to bring up humanity. The issue of combination of humanistic education and science education is everlasting theme of the human education, and also is the developmental trend of the world higher education nowadays and tomorrow.From angle of view of the subjective structure, Greek philosophy stressed the equivalent development of rationality and non-rationality, but leaned to the development of rationality. Afterwards the classic philosophy looked upon human development as the single development of rationality so that rationalism overflowed. After that modern philosophy went to the other extreme while animadverting classic philosophy, which unilaterally stressed the rationality. Both classic philosophy and modern philosophy were unilateral. Marxist philosophy stresses the function of both rationality and non-rationality, and human development can be the development of both rationality and non-rationality. The fostering of rationality needs humanistic education and science education, and the training of non-rationality needs humanistic education. Therefore, the human development needs the combination of humanistic education and science education.From angles of view of the theory of knowledge, Science and humanity have their own superintendent. Science has its own characteristics, and humanity has its own ones. They are different from each other, but they also have something that can be communicated with and supplement mutually. Science is the foundation and medium which humanity holds the world and life by; humanity is leader and navigator of science development. Thereby, the combination of humanistic education and science education has its possibilities from the view of the theory knowledge.Since modern education came into being, the humanist view on education had conflicted with scientism view on education all the while. This conflict reached the zenith during the later half period of the 19th century and the initial stages of the 20th century. There were two patterns with which humanistic education combined with science education, one was humanistic education sciencized and the other was science education humanism.Comparatively, the idea of science humanism press more close to the essence of education, and is more propitious to advance the combination of humanistic education and science education. With the guide of this idea, the universities all over the world have formed three patterns, which boost the combination of both humanistic and science education, they are penetration of science and liberal, melting of ideal and reality, general education.Chinese ancient higher education is typical characteristic of humanistic education, which represents the color of ethic-ism. Humanistic education was at central position of Chinese ancient education. In modern history with western science technology introducing-in gradually, science education was put in University, and took an important position in the course structure of university* the central position of humanis...
Keywords/Search Tags:Combination
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