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To The Globalization Of Education, From The Modernization Of Education

Posted on:2005-10-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H WuFull Text:PDF
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Education and social development is always one of the key problems in the basic theories of education. This problem is paid close attention by the theory circles of education in the condition of social transformation. From market economy and education, modernization and education to knowledge economy and education, globalization and education are all the developmental pedigrees of the problem. The unitization of" global economy, the joining WTO of China and the globalization trend in other fields not only put forward new demands to Chinese education, but also bring new challenges. In the background of globalization, the functions of education have dual natures, it may both become the booster in piomoting the national competitive force and the buffer in prohibiting the global economic centrifugal force, and may become the opposite. How to deal with the challenges of globalization in education, and demonstrate education's positive functions is the main subject of the thesis.This thesis is composed of five parts.Part one, introduction: challenge is opportunity. From probing into the two analysis frames of educational development research(the modernization of education and the globalization of education), and its theory hypotheses(the theory of social evolution and the theory of social conflict),the thesis analyses the five definition models of globalization and the two essential features of globalization of education, poses the questions how to reform, how to cope with the challenges in the background of globalization in Chinese education, studies the two pre-understandings which should hold in carrying out the research of globalization of education in China: the nationalism in the field of vision of globalization and the modernism from the view of post-modernism.Part two, challenges for educational system of China in the background of globalization. The thesis analyses the three indications in the face of the system of globalization of education, that is the international trade of education, the industrial management of education, and the power decentralization of education. Inquires into the four theoretical problems behind the educational system in the background of globalization: education is industry or education is undertaking, interfered by government or regulated by market, pursuing educational equality or seeking educational efficiency, and decided liberally by the specialist or decide democratically by the related people. At last points out the challenges of the globalization to Chinese educational market, educational structure, the system of running schools and its corresponding strategies.Part three, Challenges for the educational aim of China in the background of globalization.From the point of view of history, the thesis analyses the changing trends towards the educational aim in the course of social change from civil society to global society, that is from nation citizenship to world citizenship, and the crisis of national identity that would bring about, discusses the quality aim of the world citizenship that should hold in the background of globalization: to train the perfect man in the harmonious world, the national citizen in the earth motherland. At last points out the challenges of globalization to Chinese education for innovation, quality-oriented education, citizenship education and its corresponding strategies.Part four, challenges for curriculum reform of China in the background of globalization. Analyzing from the four philosophy outlooks about the world class curriculum at present new-globalism, new-liberalism, post -modernism and anti-globalism, the thesis discusses the five major international trends towards the curriculum reform under the challenge of globalization, that is bilingual curriculum, curriculum for environment, curriculum for innovation, curriculum for development and curriculum for international understanding. At last points out the challenges of globalization to Chinese curriculum aim, curriculum structure, curriculum administration, curriculum imp...
Keywords/Search Tags:globalization, globalization of education, modernization of education, identity of national culture, educational development research, world citizenship, service trade of education, world class curriculum, reconstruction of pedagogy
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