It is well known that there exists the variety of competition risks when theadvanced athletes take part in the international competition. It is also proved thatcertain events of competition risk made negative effects on the athletes' achievement.Therefore it is necessary for the sport scientists to draw on the research ofcompetition risks and its influences. Based on the general social investigationmethods and strategies, including secondary research, questionnaire investigation,logical analysis, statistical treatment and case study, the results of this research canbe concluded as the followings: First, the concept of competition risk can be seen as the variety of potentialitieswhich might have the negative influence on the athletes' achievement. In the contextof the international competition, the competition risks of the advanced athletes canbe concluded as three key factors: athlete risks, rival risks and competitionenvironment risks. The competition risk management of the advanced athletes isconcerned with the follows: the identification, assessment and treatment ofcompetition risks. Secondly, 'athletes' competition risks investigation' designed by this research canbe a vital investigation tool to identify the competition risks. In the practicalimplementation, the coaches can check on the potential competition risks accordingto the contents of 'athletes' competition risks investigation' and then analyze andsummarize all the potentialities which can be seen as the specific competition risks. Thirdly, taxis methods and Pareto methods were implemented in the assessment ofcompetition risks. The former was to evaluate the potentialities and negativeinfluence. The latter was adopted to probe the domain factors which result in thecompetition risks. According to the results of this research, it is discovered that thedomain competition risks includes psychological risks and the competitionenvironment risks among Chinese advanced professional athletes. Fourthly, the main characteristics of the risk treatment of Chinese advancedprofessional athletes can be concluded as the bellows: to draw on the development ofathletic competence during the everyday training; to arrange the specific imitatingcompetition training during the pre-competition training; to focus on the individualtraining of the competition risk. Fifthly, the risk treatment strategies mainly comprise of the follow, such as riskavoidance, risk reduction, risk transfer, risk acceptance. The risk reduction can beseen as the domain strategy for the competition risk. It is suggested that twoprinciples must be implemented during the training of competition risks, which canbe concluded as the principles of 'cautious' and 'train gradually'. |