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On Moral Education Governance

Posted on:2006-09-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360182498215Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Moral education governance and moral education technology constitute the two vitalelements that have impacts upon moral education effects. This paper concentrates on theissues about renovating moral education governance so as to promote moral education effects.Some of the major problems in the current moral education governance are as follows:Moral education aims are too vague, general and uniform. The superiors mainly rely upondocuments in moral education governance, and schools basically rely on their own experiencein moral education governance, which lacks strong and convincing theoretical and technicalsupport. For years, we have been going in the round trip within the moral educationgovernance systems, where multi-end governance lead to unclear responsibility division;everybody has a share but nobody cares about it. The effect of moral education cannot breakthrough environment restrictions. A few teachers have sub-standard levels in teaching ethics.In the moral education processes, the connecting links are weak, which affects the overallfunctions of moral education. Encountered with the above problems, based on the status quoof shallow moral education governance theoretical research and almost vacuum of technicalresearch for moral education governance, this paper uses some basic principles of philosophy,government science, and moral education science, adopts survey research methods, theoreticalresearch methods and systematic research methods, concentrates on the aim of raising moraleducation effects, and discusses theoretical and technical issues concerning moral educationgovernance.The paper takes its preface as an onset to raise the issues, which are to be discussed in aprofound and systematic way from the aspects of theory and practice in the following fivechapters.Chapter One probes into the nature of moral education governance. It integrates the tworesearch perspectives of philosophy and government science, reveals the nature of moraleducation governance between the contradictory interplays of the finitude of moral educationresources and the toughness of moral education tasks, and discloses six essential features ofmoral education governance. On this basis, it further elaborates the value, ideology leadingprinciple, systematic principle, human principle and efficiency principle of moral educationgovernance, so that it further answers the question of what moral education governance is.Chapter Two discusses moral education governance principles. It mainly answers thequestion of what principles can make moral education governance more effective. Itadvocates that general management principles should not simply applied onto moraleducation governance. According to the nature and basic principles of moral educationgovernance, and to the state requirements on moral education, in combination with the currentsituation of moral education, it puts forward the five principles of adhering to scientificdevelopment guideline, giving priority to moral education, sticking to rationalized moraleducation aims, sticking to multiple methods in moral education, and conducting effectivemoral education.Chapter Three is about the contents of moral education governance, which containsmany links such as survey, projection, policymaking, planning, execution, organizing,commanding, coordination, supervision, check, encouragement, education, assessment,summary, etc. this chapter sums up the contents into five systematic aspects, focusing on thetarget, plan, organization, team and process of moral education governance in terms ofconnotations, functions and methods. It explores the feasibility of constructing the contentsystems of moral education governance. In the meanwhile, it starts from the moral educationorganization governance and makes in-depth analyses about university moral educationleading systems of "uniform leadership of the Party Committee and concerted governance bythe Party, the school authority and the masses", followed by the author's opinions on furtherintensification and renovations.Chapter Four studies moral education governance mechanisms. It proposes that thesupreme bourns of moral education governance are natural governance, governance withoutgovernment and governance by inactivated methods. So, this chapter establishes the moraleducation governance systems of directional drive, automatic regulation and durable effectiveoperations. It demonstrates the connotations and structures of oriented guidance, incentivemechanisms, coordination mechanisms, binding mechanisms of moral education governance,aiming at linking the five factors of subject, object, aim, enterprise and information in moraleducation governance, so that their compositions can be shifted as a whole toward therealization of moral education governance aims and can promote school moral education inthe direction of coordinated, effective and sustainable development.Chapter Five explores moral education governance technology. Governance is aphilosophy of practice. Moral education governance technology is the most practical, the mostrealistic and the most effective to governance results in moral education governance systems,and at the same time, it is the issue in the most urgent need of being researched in moraleducation governance. This chapter discusses the four technologies that badly need to beimproved: technology for moral education governors' self-improvement, technology for moraleducators' screening and appointment, technology for communication in moral educationgovernance, and technology for authorization in moral education governance. It makesdetailed and concrete researches and expounding on each and every technology so as to turnthem into the footholds of moral education governance researches, and provide technicalbackup for raising the practical level of moral education governance and intensifying theeffectiveness of moral education governance.The summary part of the paper sorts out the basic ideas and contents of the entire paper.It discusses the correlations among the natures, principles, contents, mechanisms andtechnologies of moral education governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:moral education, governance, effectiveness, principle, content, mechanism, technology
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