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Research On The Clan In Northeast China And Its Member Relationship In The Course Of Modernization

Posted on:2008-01-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L LiFull Text:PDF
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The family has become the base unit of society since the starting of human civilization and has had more richer forms with the development of society. The clan is built on the base of family and built combinedly by some regulation. The research about the clan is also the research about society history. The modern scholars broaden the scope of the clan's significance and think the clan is equal to the clan. And the new changes happened in the content of a clan. The social members accept the effect of social relationship, and also accept the effect of clan system in the course of society running. So the social members form the relation between person and person in fact.Our society is base on family. And the family and the clan are the unit of our society. The tradition feudalism land system in our country makes a clan joining into the people's life and has formed the Chinese characteristics clan system. There were a large amount of immigrants entering the northeast China since the last of Yuan dynasty. Qing dynasty become the immigrants'time. And the immigrants began to be over during a certain era of Republic. This immigrant process is not meaningless and it is a new combination about clan system of northeast China. Northeast China society has formed a diversity clan from other the area clan and the northeast China society also has an immigrant. The clan of northeast China society has not a lot of key elements of tradition clan. And it has not the race field or the righteousness village in general and clan life is not so rich, the clan is not entire. But the migration of northeast China society gives northeast China society a new developing point , and the clan can be come down again in order to having been suitable to society. After a new China set up, our country has started brand-new modernized course, has begun to one by one having the times characteristic innovation. The innovation produced significant effect in the clan and its members'relation of northeast Chine. And this made the clan of modern society is different from the clan of immigrant period and the clan member relation also has significant changes. Tradition clan life has started to weaken, but it still has important effect. And the clan member relation developed into a new relationship of"the choice of effective hierarchical ordered arrangement". Therefore, it is necessary to have a detailed research about the clan and its member relationship in the course of modernization in the reality.On besides, complying with learning significance, the research about clan concentrates on the research result which is concluded by anthropology and sociology mainly. And the research also includes the research about clan, family ties, family tree, kinsfolk appellation etc. by philosophers. However, the research to concrete problem of Chinese clan embodies in our country just after liberation. The Chinese clan has entered the view of the world scholars. The scholars coming from everywhere begins to pay attention to the Chinese social structure characteristic. The family is the base unit of the society and it is the main object that the scholars everywhere pay attention to. But the abroad scholars mainly draw the abroad theory production and use the west research method to study the Chinese clan. So the research just the surface of the Chinese clan but not the essential of it. Therefore, abroad scholars didn't seize the key characteristic of the Chinese clan, but they provided rich theory and experience for Chinese study. Meanwhile, scholar of our country has also begun to the research of clan. The some early scholars have begun to the Chinese research and the country research and have got significant achievement on the base of the Confucianism and the abroad scholar research result. But there are still so many questions about clan. And the following is the more supplement research about the Chinese clan. And in the course of society development, the research of clan is developing rapidly. Then the researchers formed a big group. But, we can see that the research about Chinese northeast clan is very few according to the results of home and abroad. And, many scholars think that the northeast clan is to reduction exceedingly and its society and practical significance is not important. But in fact, there is rich clan life in the northeast. And the character of northeast immigrant society makes clan system having the immigrant character. This is the unique human relationships in the northeast China society.Therefore, the research about the clan and its member relation in the northeast is very important not only in the science significance, but also in the fact significance. The research about immigrant characteristic northeast clan and its member relationship can enrich the content of the clan study and promote the advancement of society. And we can know the beginning, developing and the change orderliness of the clan in the immigrant society. So we know the character of family in the immigrant society. The rise and disintegration changes of clan in the immigrant society have affected the clan member relation. And it had some changes with the change of clan. This made the northeast clan member relation having immigrant characteristic. We have grasped the characteristic of clan of northeast immigrant society and seen the development evolution process of it in the modernized society. And the make us enter the real modern northeast society. More important is that the reform of northeast old industrial base requiring the clan to provide cohesiveness and innovation. And it required using the northeast clan member relation to promote the society advancing.In this research, I mainly use the inspection in real and depth interview as the study methods. And I choose two clans in Yushu city, Jilin province as the object of my study. Two clans have identical background, initial clan status. But with the development of modernization, the two clans showed two totally different development situations. Moreover, the formation and change of clan member relation showed two developing trends too. The development of this two clans has shown the main developing direction of clan in the northeast immigrant society and represented the northeast clan. And we can analysis the real reason of the two clans develop through the contrast observe. And this also can show the true development of clan in the northeast society in all directions and in the true through the transverse research with south society. This changes embodiment in economy , politics and culture in clan system. The northeast social member has shown the representative immigrant characteristic from the Qing dynasty when so much immigrates entered the northeast society. This produced important effect on the two repeated vicissitude of northeast clan. The society begun to stabilize and the northeast clan begun to be on the rise after the forming of immigrant society. Now, it showed the different from south society. For example, the land is not imperfect, the clan system content is not perfect, and so on. After agrarian revolution, collectivization move, people's commune motion, and so on , clan begun to decaying and some of clan system is abolished. The clan have been on the rise again as a new form because of the need of the social members after innovation open. This is the history changes process of northeast clan.By the study, we can find that the root cause which effects the changes of northeast clan system is the land policy alteration. The northeast immigrant society is formed and the tradition clan is interrupted and reformed because the land policy changed inside Shanhaiguan Pass in Qing dynasty. But in the modernizing process, the land policy still led to the change of the clan system and the clan member relation. The different to land supervisor mode have changed clan's regular life and made a clan vicissitude again. After the innovation open, the land policy began to stabilize and the clan began to restore stable life. In this process, the clan form becomes each family from the original tradition clan life-style and the social base unit is transformed into family now from original clan. These changes adapted to the development of society. And the economy liberty, reform and openness, clan member relationship is not the simple blood lineage, and the most important is that the benefit effects the clan member relation. So the clan member relationship turned in the result of choosing according to the detail condition. The clan member can form a lot of hierarchical ordered arrangements at the same time for all kinds of aims. Everyone chooses different corresponding hierarchical ordered arrangement and at the same time guarantee other arrangement. This is the clan member relationship'maximum represent in the modern society.The research of two clans exactly is the changes trend having shown the northeast clan society. The develop results of the two clans were not the same, but this the clan and the clan member relation is similar. This could testify that in northeast society, the clan system is weakening, but it will be in the world for a long time in the modern society. It is a availability complementary about polity, economy, culture systems. At the same time, the clan of society system has experienced this change. The degree of clan members of modernization is much higher. And this is benefits the northeast society.In a word, the major objective is to know the northeast clan and know the characteristic of the clan and the clan member relationship to find the questions. Then we will promote the resolving scheme and make a forecast out to the northeast clan study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Clan, Clan Member, Relationship
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