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The Policy Implementation And The Strategy Of The Actor

Posted on:2007-07-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YaoFull Text:PDF
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This paper selects the focus problem in social change-residents committee direct election as a research object, policy implementation as a research perspective, and organization strategy as an analytical concept tool. And also it takes the pre-established description language to describe the case study of policy implementation chain through "city→district→street→direct-elected residents committee". The author has acquired abundant experience and reference materials and data. With these the author observed the direct election process of residents committee in Shanghai in 2003 to unclose the different strategy logics, strategy constitutes and reflections of different actors from different class, section and quality and to answer the question: under the background of the system conflict, how the residents committee can carry out the direct election?This research indicated following facts: (1) the process of the policy implementation is just the process of reconstruction of power relation. As completely different to the static and unidirectional power relations induced by the function division and delamination in bureaucracy organization, the power relation of actors reconstructed by the policy reaction is dynamic and bidirectional. (2) Factors which effect the reconstruction of the power relation are various and extensive. In which, the strategy of the actor is chiefly and the rest other factors effect the reconstruction and work in the procedure of the policy implementation only by effecting the strategy of the actor. (3) The problems of the policy can be solved by the reconstruction of the power-relations. With the concretion of the direct election policy, the problems of the policy become concrete gradually. It is concreted to be a problem that how to make the intention of the party to be a common mind of its people in the policy of the city class, that how to realize the translation from mind of the organization to the mind of its people in the borough by a series of technique means, and that how to make the assigned candidate to be elected by a democratic process in the street stage. the residents committee which applied the direct election, because the assigned candidate is different with the person the constituency wishes , the different actors reconstitute the power relations through a series of strategically interaction the process of conflict, negotiation, compromise, exchange ,collusion. Because of the method of the residents committee direct election, it can also maintain certain administration characteristics and then dissolve the system conflict. In this process, we can see the strengthening of the democracy strength and also its partly elimination as a result.
Keywords/Search Tags:policy, power, power relation, actor, free space
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